Is the confinement the solution to stop the contagion in Italy? The comparison lives on


Blocking: yes or no? Is this really the one? solution that the country needs to be able to defeat the virus? To find out how things are, don’t miss today’s live broadcast, Friday, November 13, 2020, at mineral 15:00 on our YouTube channel.


In today’s exclusive interview they will face Giovanni Leoni, Vice President of the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists and Pietro Paganini, Associate Professor of Business Administration at Temple University’s Fox School of Business in Philadelphia and John Cabot University in Rome.

For some time in Italy, doctors have been asking for a generalized blockade to be able to breathe the hospitals and the personnel that work there. In fact, structures are under a lot of pressure, given the violence of the second wave of infections, and often do not meet all requests. The Government, however, continues to take time, trying to understand if the measures implemented with the latest DPCM can lower the contagion curve, so as not to block the country a second time.

During the interview, in live on our official YouTube channel and in ours Facebook pageGiovanni Leoni will explain the reasons why it would be appropriate to apply a generalized block to Italy, while Pietro Paganini will clarify why it would be good not to block the Pass a second time. The two of you will discuss the issue, making clear the reasons for both points of view.

An interesting debate that should not be missed is the one that will be broadcast from from 15:00.
