“Is abortion or pedophilia more serious? Wives must be submissive.” Controversy over the homily of a priest in the Macerata area: “Horrible”


“Abortion is the greatest damage. Abortion or an act of pedophilia is more serious? “And again:” Wives are subject to their husbands. Do you hear what he says here? ” These are just some of the phrases of Middle ages delivered during a homily by Don Andrea Leonesi of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Macerata, Wednesday October 27. The video of the homily, which condemns abortion and feminist protests in Poland, going through the biblical submission of women to men, was released on Monday, November 2, quickly going viral.

Maceratese born in 1968, ordained a priest in 1999 and vicar general of the Bishop since 2018, the parish priest himself seems to be concerned about how his speeches can be received in one of the passages of the film: “We are in a difficult moment, if you don’t start from these things also control the inclination of the voice. ”The priest enthusiastically comments on the most recent international events:“ This choice made by Poland which has come to make a law that even the malformed fetus cannot be aborted, tries to say something like that in Italy. (…) In Poland everyone is going crazy these feminists They do everything, go into church and start undressing to protest. “So, in fact, remember the doctrine of Scripture.” Wives are subject to husbands. Do you hear what he says here? I slipped on him, did you? Eh? Haven’t you even noticed? Better! Smoke something before coming here, so you’re thinking of something else and don’t pay attention to these words that then put us in crisis. wives are subject to their husbandsDo you understand, dear sir? In fact, the husband is the head of the wife, do we still have to insist? ”. And he insists: “You husbands love your wives. I tell the boyfriends, I preferred to be a wife, at least I just had to be submissive. Being a husband is also more difficult ”. The last hope of the medieval homily is that “an entire nation like Poland, and perhaps even Italy, can convert. May the Lord grant us, little by little, a new generation of Christians, Christian politicians, who reverse the trend. We can pray this tonight, right? ”.

The clip went in Italian left de Macerata, who defined the speech as a result of “denial, obscurantism, exasperated machismo“.” Those words do not hide a vision of archaic and patriarchal society in the face of which silence and indifference are not allowed, “denounced the Italian left, which underlined, calling it” frightening “, the comparison between abortion and pedophilia, waiting for “personal and collective distances” also from the Catholic world.
