is 1.11, against 0.9 national


That is scary‘Rt, the transmissibility index of Coronavirus, in Veneto: according to the latest surveys it is above threshold 1 reaching a 1.11. The national RT figure is now 0.9.

In Italy, the RT is increasing for the second week in a row, after five in a row of decline, and affects regions such as Veneto and Molise, while Puglia (with the first case of the English variant), Sardinia and Trentino. The president of the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) Silvio Brusaferro speaks of a “decreasing but slowed down phase”. The Rt index, he explains, “is below 1 in all regions except Veneto and Molise.”. Based on follow-up data, the former has an index of 1.11 and the latter of 1.02.

More restrictive measures?

“It is important to continue to maintain prudent behavior, especially during these holidays – says Gianni Rezza, director of the Prevention Theme – and in the most affected areas the opportunity to more restrictive measures“.« In the dinners and lunches of these Christmas parties «it is important to limit the number of people», reiterates. The opening of schools in January will depend in some way on this, «which remains a main objective»says Rezza, «of course there has always been a lot of caution» and it is necessary «assess the epidemiological situation at the territorial level».

Vaccine and English variant

Therefore, Rezza has now reassured vaccine on arrival and in English variant of the virus. The estimate of the increase in infectivity of the latter is +0.4 of Rt. «There does not appear to be any effect on vaccine efficacy or clinical severity.», he claims. On the morning of the 26th, the 9,750 vials for the symbolic vaccination of Sunday’s European V Day arrived at the Spallanzani hospital in Rome. The boxes have been stored and divided there: some are destined for the Pratica di Mare military airport to take off with 5 planes, to the most distant regions. Others with military vehicles have reached the other sub-centers within a radius of 300 kilometers. The rest of the vaccines will be used in Spallanzani. Mass vaccination is expected to begin next week, when Pfizer has guaranteed another 450,000 doses.

In the meantime, the possible impact of the English variant – and holidays – on the infection curve, and therefore also on the vaccination campaign, must be evaluated. The latter, as commissioner Domenico Arcuri has repeated several times, would be more complicated with a third wave underway.

