The second wave of coronavirus is already here, but Italy is unprepared. The complaint comes from Franco Bechis, which speaks of the “government of the irresponsible”, behind it all: intensive care, school desks and flu shots. “In February no one had thought of doing the purchases necessary of masks, gowns, gloves, respirators and everything that was needed at least in hospitals and medical centers to face the pandemic – wrote the director in Time -. But at least we expected that bad experience it would have been a lesson to those who had shown such irresponsibility. “
First, Bechis notes that nothing has changed in hospitals, where the intensive therapy is the same that panicked in March. He was the prime minister at the time. Giuseppe Conte that the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza They assured that everything possible will be done to strengthen the hospitals. But that did not happen. Only on October 2, in fact, the commissioner Domenico Arcuri issued the tender “for the award of works, engineering and architectural services and other technical services in order to implement the reorganization plans of the national hospital network.”
“In the middle of the second wave we are still on day zero of the new intensive therapies, “Bechis continues. hard to explain According to the journalist, also because they had already moved in May, when a government decree had allocated more than one billion euros to finance the necessary interventions in hospitals. At that time the executive had requested and obtained the projects from the regions and Speranza had given her approval. May 29 with a circular. But from that day on, nothing more.
Now we must therefore hurry up. But it does not mean that everything can be done on time. That is why Franco Bechis the alarm sounds: “Even running the call, you should look for designers and architects who design both these intensive therapies and the necessary entry and exit routes from those places. If the virus were to march exponentially with the speed shown in recent weeks, we would be fried and with the national health system for the second time on tilt “. The same irresponsibility, according to the journalist, was also demonstrated in the school side, where the banks are still missing, and on the side of the flu shots. In fact, it would not be enough to satisfy the demand of all citizens.