
In the courtroom, in his fierce speech against Giuseppe Conte, Matteo renzi he had clearly said that, in his opinion, one should engage in politics even at a time like this. “In fact, mostly,” he noted, imagining criticism from who – how Marco Travaglio, for example, it would have encountered a substantial threat of opening a government crisis. And what a case, here is Labor “unleashed” against Renzi, straight from the living room of Lilli gruber a Half past eight, in the episode broadcast by La7. And the director of the Daily occurrence attacks Italy’s leader Viva in the most sinister way: leveraging the death toll in the latest bulletin. “I start from reality, today there was almost 900 dead. Yesterday’s debate was surreal. The unnamed, as I call him, is irresponsible“, says Travaglio. The anonymous, obviously, would be Renzi. And in short, for Travaglio, as there are many victims, it would be forbidden to criticize Conte. Disconcerting argument.
