IO App: Where Has Everyone Gone?


It’s only been a few days since Italy stopped to challenge the systems engineers responsible for the IO application debacle; It’s only been a few days since all Cashless Italia Plan it seemed bankrupt because for 48 hours it was not possible to access the application and register the payment systems; it has only been a few days since hundreds of “developers” taught how to develop, thousands of “managers” how to design and millions of “politicians” how to organize the start of the refund of money.

A few days later, however, they all seem to have disappeared. When it seemed easy to imagine a surpassing of the 10 million download momentum, instead, here is suddenly the chart disarming. So the question is simple: where has everyone gone?

Where have they all gone?

The updated data on IO app downloads clearly says that what happened between December 5 and 10 was a unique, unrepeatable, anomalous and misleading parenthesis. Suddenly indeed went from 872 thousand downloads on December 10 to 78 thousand the next day, to go down even more and reach about 15 thousand that will be registered at the close of today in a linear downward trend. Bottom line: After the sudden big pre-cashback binge, we have returned to the download levels of the summer, when the echo of the Holiday Bonuses was already inactive and the interest in the IO application was only waiting for the services. promised in activation (most of which will arrive only in the coming months with the collaboration of local public administrations).

Today there are just over 9 million registered downloads, 70% of which on Android and the rest on iOS. But the pace has collapsed, as if a kind of threshold had been reached that at this point should make us reflect: if Immuni has also just surpassed 10 million downloads, and if IO is about to run aground around 9/10 million . , perhaps there is some element of resistance to limit the growth of digital projects of this type. Is the user base that limited? What is this critical threshold made of? Does the combination of hardware, software and theoretical tools limit the potential user to such a small amount? Is inertia to change and resistance to innovation strong enough to stifle any future ambitions? It would be a serious problem, because it would mean that, first of all, true potential is lacking, something on which only generational change can act.

The latest update on citizens enrolled in the Cashback plan refers to December 9, when 2.8 million registered activations were registered. The next day the registration spike took place, after which the activities focused more than anything on adding payment systems, understanding the different limitations and verifying the first payments received.

To date, we cannot know how many Italians have activated the refund, also because the numbers have to be combined between the IO apps and the affiliated issuers – we just have to wait for new official update numbers. But soon a consideration is made: given the low number of activations and the high number of users rewarded with the “extra” cashback (1000 euros to the 100,000 users who will make more digital payments at the end of the year), this is never the case. It was easy to win a similar figure. For those who have already triggered payments and are already active on purchases (of any amount, even minimal), the opportunity is greedy. And it goes far beyond the “only” 150 euros of maximum refund that can be obtained.
