Automatic discount on bills for families with financial difficulties, goodbye to the low price regime for small businesses and some micro-businesses and new increases in the invoices of the protected service: this is what has changed since January 1
by Celestina Dominelli
Automatic discount on bills for families with financial difficulties, goodbye to the low price regime for small businesses and some micro-businesses and new increases in the invoices of the protected service: this is what has changed since January 1
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Automatic social bonus for people who are in difficult economic conditions, increases in electricity and gas bills of the service of greater protection for families and end of the controlled price regime for small companies and obligated micro-companies (those with greater power committed to 15 kilowatts). These are the main changes that have occurred since January 1 for the consumption of electricity, gas and water by Italian families and companies. But let’s see in detail what are the innovations that are registered in the energy market and what are the indications issued by the Energy, Networks and Environment Authority (Arera).
Automatic social bonus from January 1
As of January 1, social bonuses, that is, the discount on the bill for families in a situation of economic difficulty, will be automatically recognized to citizens and families who are entitled to them without the need to submit an application. The conditions for accessing the benefit have remained unchanged: household with an Isee indicator not exceeding 8,265 euros or with at least 4 dependent children (large family) and an Isee indicator not exceeding 20 thousand euros; income or citizenship pension. To obtain the benefit, it will be sufficient to present the Sole Substitute Declaration (Dsu) to obtain the Isee certification useful for the different subsidized services. Next, it will correspond to the INPS to send the data of the potentially beneficiary nucleus to the SII (the integrated information system managed by the Sole Buyer) that will cross the information with those related to the supply of electricity, gas and water to allow the automatic disbursement of the discount . on the invoice.
The conditions to access bonuses for physical discomfort do not change
Those interested will be able to automatically receive the electricity voucher for economic difficulty, the gas and water voucher, while the conditions for accessing the physical difficulty voucher do not change: people who are in serious health conditions and who use electromedical equipment For their survival, they must continue requesting the authorized Municipalities or Cafs. The 2020 bonuses that are currently being disbursed as of December 31 of the year just ended, will instead continue to be disbursed in the manner in effect today.
The transitional phase
As of January 1, then, the higher protection regime for small companies and some micro-companies is dismissed, while for families the transition will take place as of January 1, 2022. For small and micro-companies Obligors that have not identified a supplier in the free market, the gradual protection service planned and regulated by the Authority begins on January 1. Basically, Arera will identify the supplier and establish the conditions for the passage. In a first phase, from January 1 to June 30, 2021, the client will continue to be assigned to the same provider of the highest protection service with which they have an active user, but under the contractual conditions of the so-called Placet offer (at a free price under equivalent protection conditions, in practice the price set by the seller but its structure and contractual conditions governed by the Authority) and a substantially unchanged price except for the “energy expense” part.
As of July 1, the transfer begins through auctions
Beginning July 1, however, the customer who has not yet chosen will be assigned to a selected merchant through territorial auctions. The contractual conditions will always be those of the Placet offer, but with different marketing costs and imbalance (defined by the Authority before the auctions) and a single national price determined based on the auction auction prices. In any case, the invoices of all clients will contain a notice from their provider with information about the gradual protection service, terms and information channels. And, in June, the customer who has not yet identified a supplier in the free market will receive a communication from the incoming operator (defined based on the auction of the territory to which the customer belongs). The communication will contain the contacts of the new supplier, the conditions of withdrawal from the contract and the references and information tools of the Authority.