The group of teachers “Courses and Resources” of the province of Trapani through the Spokesperson Floriana Oliva addresses the Director of the school office of the province of interest to request the publication of the interprovincial provisional assignments for the afternoon of today.
Specifically, in the province of interest the provisional allocations that are only provincial have already been published on time, while the interprovincial and supported ones are missing.
We wonder – writes the group – if this year, finally, it will be possible to comply with article 9, section 6, of the CCNI signed on 08/07/2020, according to which “all operations of use and provisional allocation must be carried out before August 31 of the reference school year in the three-year period of validity of this contract “.
Service point
“It is useless to point out – continues the press release – the illogical, expensive, economic, moral and physical and, in this particular period, also risky for health, having to travel for service throughout Italy, knowing who have the right to a place in their own province of residence, given the availability of 309 support positions in derogation in the primary school of the province of Trapani.
Therefore, our request to know TODAY the results of the annual mobility seems “extraordinary”, therefore what throughout the years should have been the ordinary “.
Tomorrow, September 1, is in fact the day to take up the service and some teachers still do not know if they will be able to count on the provisional assignment or they will be expected tomorrow morning at the property school, perhaps miles away.
Drago (M5S) in the Covid period could have done more
So sen. Drago (M5S) “Today, August 31, 2020, the result of provisional allocations and uses should be known… Will it be like this?
Annual mobility operations will be postponed until September 20 as the deadline, but a lot could have been done. It had been proposed to join the service in a polo school or online … instead, interested teachers will join the schools owned by the province far from the one in which they requested the provisional assignment and “maybe” they will return only after September 20, during the Covid period, on the rise with fear and daring moves. “