Inter, called Gómez: Marotta at the center of a war of nerves, that’s why he can wait | First page


Inter is immobilized by the Covid crisis, Zhang was clear: in January they do not invest, but in Viale della Liberazione they leave a small door open for Gómez. It seems contradictory, but in reality it is not. It will take patience, more than imaginable, because there is one involved war of nerves between the Argentine player and Percassi and there is also a relationship to patch between the two properties (Inter and Atalanta) that after the Kulusevski issueLong courted by the Nerazzurri in Milan and then sold to Juventus in record time, they have never spoken with the same serenity.

Gómez wants to leave Atalanta, his story in Bergamo is in the end credits, but the Percassi’s anger at his behavior still rubs his skin at the thought of doing him a favor by releasing him at a reasonable rate. The relationship is tense, but from Milan they hope that over time the issue will be more manageable. The attempt is very complicated, it will take a lot of diplomacy, but from Milan they are sure that There is still a small hope of being able to get on loan to Gomez. Meanwhile, the player continues to train individually, it will take time, patience and good relationships. Inter keep Papu Gómez’s flame burning.
