Pisa, December 1, 2020 – Intensive care open to the families of patients, is the choice of Paolo Malacarne, head of the hospital’s intensive care unit Cisanello from Pisa, where for about twenty days, with caution and in shifts, relatives have been visiting patients COVID-19. The reason for this decision is explained by the chief doctor in a post on Facebook: “Humanize treatments.”
“In recent days,” says the anesthesiologist, “going in and out of work, I have seen several times a banner hanging on the gate of the Cisanello Hospital that read more or less like this: ‘Let’s smile again at children with cancer’: In essence, due to the restrictions on access to the hospital imposed by Covid, the Ridolina Association had to interrupt the presence of clown-doctors for twenty years in the Pediatric Oncohematology department of Pisa, after having carried out their activity in the last 3 months under an outdoor awning in the garden below the Pediatrics in S. Chiara “.
“For many years – continues – in Resuscitation where I work, the relatives of hospitalized patients can enter uninterruptedly from 12:30 to 23:30, sitting next to the patient’s bed, either in a coma or awake: it is the so-called “Open Intensive Care”, which in all these years has not ha generated just one more infection, but instead generated a humanization of treatments such that, paradoxically, when we transfer our patients to the ordinary wards of a hospital where ‘the step’ is much more restrictive, the relatives and the patients themselves experience an inexplicable separation ”.
“I am not the one who lives momentarily where you work, but it is you who works where I live momentarily”, says the patient to us health workers – explains Malacarne -. And when a patient unfortunately approaches death, the presence of family members in intensive care is guaranteed 24/24, the only way to give family members the possibility of physical proximity with the patient “.
“With Covid everything has jumped – continues Cisanello’s chief doctor – the covid patient is alone, and no member of the family can access; if the patient dies, he dies alone and no member of the family can watch over him. Not only that. : access restrictions for family members also for hospitalized patients without covid “. Malacarne then mentions Antonio Panti, a Florentine family doctor now retired, “for years a” prophet “of the humanization of care”, and explains that “in the non-covid resuscitation where I work, the relatives have not stopped coming in all these months: Of course, we have some restrictions to avoid meetings and comings and goings in the waiting room and in intensive care (only one family member per patient, with the possibility of change but not before 4 hours), but we have considered, assuming responsibility, our patients (and their families) as fragile and vulnerable, a term that allows repealing the prohibition of admission of relatives to the hospital “.
Now, the chief physician explains, “in the 8-bed Covid Intensive Care that we have been in since October 26 in Cisanello, above Resuscitation, why not give a family member the opportunity, with prudence and common sense, for 20 -30 minutes? Per day, alternating in relation to the logistics of the ward the admission of 2-3 family members a day, so that each patient can receive a visit every 2-3 days? “.
And he concludes: “Certainly it will not be a problem of protection devices, since luckily we have them today; and it will not even be a problem of risk of contagion: how we” hook “on health care, how our colleagues” hook ” . street of the cleaning company, in the same way we can make family members do it, under our careful supervision. “
We did so, and for twenty days that family members have been entering our Covid IT, with prudence and common sense, but also with respect and human sensitivity ”.
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