In Italy It is again – coronavirus warning and despite the current situation in the intensive therapy don’t worry, the situation could soon precipitate.
According to theAssociation of Italian Hospital Resuscitators (Aaroi-Emac), in fact, if the growth trend of infections were to continue as recorded in these days we will soon find ourselves facing a new health emergency.
New jump in coronavirus infections today, Friday, October 9, 2020: 5,372 new cases, with 28 dead me 29 people for which the admission to intensive care. In total, ICU patients are 387, with Campania me Lazio which are the Regions with the highest number of cases (63 and 67 respectively). And it is precisely in these two Regions that -according to the alarm launched by the Association of Anesthesiologists- if the measures are not taken in time there is a risk of run out of places in intensive care.
COVID-19: ICU places could be sold out in a month
During the first wave was the North italy to record the highest number of infections. A difficult situation to manage, despite the excellent state of health in the North.
Well, it must be recognized that in the Center, but especially in the South, hospitals live a situation of greater difficulty. And that is why although currently there do not seem to be any particular risks for ICU places, soon the situation could get drastically worse.
Sounding the alarm is Alessandro Vergallo, President ofAssociation of Italian Hospital Resuscitators, who said he was very worried about me pandemic numbers in Italy.
According to Vergallo, in fact, the southern regions are unprepared In front of a possible aggravation of the situation. In the Center-South, it would be more difficult to handle a wave equal to that experienced in the North between March and April and that is why it is suggested that more measures be taken to contain the pandemic.
In the absence of these, and if the contagion trend increases even more, there would be a risk that can finish the places in intensive care in just one month. This is the estimate that Vergallo made to Ansa, who said he was particularly concerned about two regions of Italy, in fact Lazio me Campania.
On the other hand, as confirmed these days by the adviser to the Minister of Health for the emergency, Walter Ricciardi, in Lazio and Campania i COVID-hospital are almost full. And we are at the beginning of what, according to anesthesiologists, could be there. second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and no, as many experts believe, “the terminal long wave of the first pandemic phase”.
If this theory is confirmed, there is really something to worry about because it will mean that there is no longer a linear and limited increase but we must expect a exponential increase that in a month could put the health system of the most affected regions at risk.