Integrated Digital Teaching Former Distance Teaching: the teacher performs their weekly service hours, divided between synchronous and asynchronous activities, based on the provisions of the Plan adopted by the single center.
Weekly service hours
It does not change even if the lessons are carried out all, or in part, at a distance. Changes the fact that part of the lessons can be done as an asynchronous activity.
The contract stipulated between the Administration and the unions CISL, ANIEF and FLC CGIL says:
“The teacher has the right to introduce, as far as possible in the didactic activity carried out in presence, the opportune moments of pause during the lesson in DDI, also based on the enhancement of the students’ attention capacity. This possibility is also foreseen if time units of less than 60 minutes have been adopted “.
Workplace and tools
The school management, in compliance with the resolutions of the collegiate bodies within the DDI Plan, adopts, in any case, all organizational provisions aimed at creating the best conditions for the implementation of the regulatory provisions to protect the safety and health of the community, as well as for the provision of teaching in DDI, also authorizing non-face-to-face activity, and ensuring that in any case work performance is facilitated. The general criteria for the performance of DDI activities by teachers, inside or outside the school, are provided to the RSU.
Download contract hypothesis text
Joint declarations