Integrated digital teaching, at least 20 hours per week in synchronous mode in upper secondary school



In upper secondary schools, what is the expected weekly lesson time for 100% DDI? Who is responsible for the reorganization of the DDI Plan? How many students can attend in presence? This is what the Usr for Veneto FAQ says.

The Guidelines for Integrated Digital Education – Annex A of Ministerial Decree 89/2020 – establish that “if the DDI becomes the only instrument to perform the school service, at least 20 hours per week of didactics in synchronous mode with the entire group of the class, with the possibility of carrying out more activities in a small group as well as proposals in asynchronous mode according to the methods that are considered most appropriate ”.
In any case, students must be ensured the planned curricular schedule, divided into distance activities – synchronous and asynchronous – and, where provided, in face-to-face activities (workshops, inclusion of students with disabilities or students with special educational needs ) taking care to ensure the containment of the contagion foreseen by the DPCM.

The Decree of the Prime Minister of November 3 does not establish quantitative limits on the presence of students, but it should certainly be interpreted as more restrictive than the previous Decree of the Prime Minister of October 24, which stipulated that no more than 25% of students should be present. the students.
“The Faculty Board is called upon to establish criteria and methods to deliver DDI (…); the class councils are entrusted with the task of remodeling the didactic plans ”(Ministerial Decree 89/2020 annex A). In compliance with the powers of the collegiate bodies, the director prepares the schedule with the hourly quota that each teacher dedicates to DI. It is allowed to resort to the reduction of the hourly lesson and to all the forms of didactic and organizational flexibility provided for by Presidential Decree 275/99.

Dpcm November 3: fragile workers, masks, teachers and ties. All school frequently asked questions

