The Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of October 24, 2020 established that, after the ongoing health emergency, in second-grade secondary schools, at least for an hourly quota of 75%, teaching is delivered remotely. With a Note of October 25, the Ministry of Education specified that schools must comply with the new provisions as of Tuesday, October 27, 2020.
Online teaching activities
That is why it is clear that, from the 27th, all activities will begin online.
Families will see to it that female students follow the online educational activities properly.
The director prof. Vincenzo Caico, head of the State Institute of Higher Education “Michelangelo Buonarroti” (Liceo Científico Liceo Scienze Apply Liceo Sportivo Liceo Linguistico) of Monfalcone (GO) to complete what had already been started has prepared an explanatory circular, which is attached, and jointly the weekly schedule and the weekly schedule of the video classes.
Writes prof. Caico, always among the first in Italy to demonstrate its speed and competence to adapt to regulatory changes, “in compliance with the Decree in question, the following is established: 1. Activation of integrated digital education (DDI). Starting Tuesday, October 27, the Institute classes will follow the lessons remotely about 75% of the time and in presence about 25% of the time in compliance with the Regulations of the DDI Institute and as established in the DDI Plan 2020 / 2021 approved by the Faculty; and based on the calendar that indicates the shifts in the presence of the classes, while on the remaining days the shifts must be considered remote ”.
The DDI regulations
While doing remote activities – writes the director professor prof. Vincenzo Caico in the Circular – male and female students must scrupulously comply with all the provisions established in the DDI Regulations, approved by resolution of the School Council of September 25, 2020 and attached to this communication.
In particular, they must access the video lessons with maximum punctuality, with the microphone initially turned off, keeping the video camera always active, framing themselves, provided with the necessary material for the video lesson and with appropriate clothing. Failure to comply with these rules may result in disciplinary sanctions.
Use of masks during face-to-face teaching activities
From the “epidemiological situation of low viral circulation” foreseen in Report 58/2020 of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità “Operational indications for the management of cases and outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 in schools and early childhood education services” as a prerequisite for the non-use of the mask by the students in static conditions and physical distance, as of Tuesday, October 27, the use of the mask will also be mandatory during all moments of the teaching activities in the classroom and laboratory, with the only Except for outdoor sports activities and in the gym.
Video lesson hours
The video lessons will be conducted with the help of Google Meet and as required by the Institute’s 2020/2021 DDI Plan. The engineer Caico writes “the individual hourly units will last between 45 and 50 minutes, with intervals between one hourly unit and the next, which allow the students to rest, to be respected even in the case of more consecutive hourly units than the same discipline. “Of course, the elements indicated vary according to the DDI Plan and the DDI Regulations approved by the different schools.
The 20 hourly units
Each class will carry out 20 hourly units in weekly video lessons. The rest of the time units, to complete the number of hours foreseen in the study plan, will be carried out asynchronously with the didactic activities elaborated by the teachers in the Classroom platform.
For the days in which each class will follow the classroom didactic activities, the usual class schedule will be applied.
For the days in which each class will follow the activities remotely, the schedule of the video lessons attached to this communication will be applied to them.
Extracurricular Activities and PCTO
During the Ordinance’s term, writes Principal Vincenzo Caico, all afternoon extracurricular activities and PCTOs (old school-work alternation) are confirmed and will take place online or in person as scheduled.
Teaching service delivery methods
Teachers must provide their service in compliance with the Regulations for the Institute’s DDI, from their home, on the days in which they must only take distance lessons, requesting, where appropriate, any change in the available schedule to replace their classmates missing; organizing their presence at school or at home, on the days in which they will have to take both the face-to-face lessons and the video lessons, respecting in any case the provisions regarding surveillance during the intervals and hours available for replacements, in accordance with the provisions of the respective weekly plans.
The device to be used for connections
Teachers who will take the video lessons at school may use their own personal device or one of the laptops provided to the school that have not yet been loaned for their use. Furthermore, prof. Caico, a true example of an excellent administrator for an excellent school, that to connect to the Internet, teachers can use a personal data connection or one of the connecting devices (soaps) supplied to the school, possibly shared with other colleagues.
The video lessons can be broadcast from the free didactic classrooms, from the computer labs where the soap operas will be placed, from the library or from the new modular classroom in the central office. In the event that several teachers connect from the same classroom, it is advisable to use headphones and a microphone.
Presence and signature in the electronic registry
“For each hourly unit of lessons that are carried out, the teaching staff will periodically sign the electronic record, noting the attendance and absences of male and female students and at the same time indicating, in addition to the description of the activity carried out, if it is a face-to-face lesson or video lesson. In addition, the teachers will indicate in the class agenda the deadlines for the delivery of the tasks assigned as part of the activities in asynchronous mode, as well as the scheduling of written tests to be carried out in person or remotely.
The hours of each teacher
Each teacher completes his / her number of weekly hours by recovering the hours of video lessons not taken, in comparison with the normal hours of attendance, with the preparation of teaching activities in asynchronous mode in favor of the same classes ”, reads in the circular of the DS of the State Institute D ‘Higher education “Michelangelo Buonarroti” (Liceo Scientifico Liceo Scienze Apply Liceo Sportivo Liceo Linguistico) of Monfalcone (GO) to which we are always grateful for the great collaboration, indicating that sharing experiences is a sample of great and sincere love by educational institution.
DAD weekly schedule
Weekly First Grade High School Schedule
CIRCULAR – DPCM Distance Learning Activation October 24, 2020
Weekly schedule of the video lessons