Integrated digital didactic regulation for Infant, Primary and Secondary I grade. Model to DOWNLOAD


In compliance with the Decree of the Minister of Education of June 26, 2020, n. 39 which provided a frame of reference within which to plan the resumption of school activities in September, with special reference to the need for schools to adopt a School Plan for integrated digital education, schools can develop their activities Integrated Digital Teaching Modality (DDI), using electronic registration and / or dedicated platforms that would allow to reach students through video lessons and create virtual classes.

Regulatory measures

The health emergency implied the adoption of regulatory measures that recognized the possibility of carrying out educational activities “remotely” in schools of all levels, throughout the national territory (Decree Law March 25, 2020, n.19, art. 1, paragraph 2, letter p)). The Departmental Note of March 17, 2020, n. 388, with “Health emergency due to new coronavirus. The first operational indications for distance education activities “had already provided educational institutions with the operational didactic frame of reference.”

The decree-law of April 8, 2020, n. 22

The decree-law of April 8, 2020, n. 22, converted, with modifications, with Law June 6, 2020, n. 41, in article 2, subsection 3, establishes that the teaching staff ensures the didactic services in remote modalities, using the available computer or technological tools, and therefore integrates the obligation, previously in force only for school directors in accordance with the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers March 4, 2020, article 1, paragraph 1, letter g), to “activate” distance education, a relative obligation, in the case of the manager, mainly to the obligations related to the organization of delivery times, technological tools, help to overcome the difficulties of families and teachers who lack sufficient connectivity. With reference, specifically, to the methods and criteria from which to provide labor services and the obligations of teachers, until the state of exception persists, please refer to the provisions of section 3-ter of the same Legislative Decree 22 /. 2020. The decree-law of May 19, 2020, n. 34 financed new useful interventions to improve teaching, including distance learning, and to equip schools and students with the necessary tools to use teaching methods compatible with the emergency situation, as well as to promote school inclusion and adopt measures that contrast dispersion.

The decree of the Minister of Education June 26, 2020, n. 39

The decree of the Minister of Education June 26, 2020, n. 39 provided a frame of reference within which to plan the resumption of school activities in September, with special reference, for the subject in question, to the need for schools to have an integrated digital teaching plan. These Guidelines provide indications for the design of the integrated digital teaching plan (DDI) to be adopted, in secondary schools, as a complement to face-to-face teaching, as well as by all educational institutions of any degree, if the need arises to contain infection, as well as if it were necessary to suspend teaching activities in the presence again due to contingent epidemiological conditions. On this specific last and extreme eventuality, the Regional School Directorates will intervene in support of the educational institutions, based on the specific situations that may arise, based on what has already been foreseen and lived in accordance with article 31, paragraph 3 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Education of May 16, 2020, n. 10.

The DM39 / 2020 and the DDI Plan

By fully recalling, in the background, what has already been expressed in the Planning Document referred to in Ministerial Decree 39/2020, it should be noted that all schools, regardless of educational level, must adopt the aforementioned Plan. The preparation of the Plan, annexed or integrated into the Triennial Plan of the Educational Offer, is therefore a priority since it identifies the criteria and methods to redesign the didactic activity 2 in DDI, at the level of the school institution, taking into account the needs of all pupils and students, especially the most fragile pupils.


Each institution, in compliance with the principles of GDPR 679/2016, will identify a platform that allows a good level of service, but at the same time presents tools capable of avoiding the risk of violation of the right to privacy. Also making use of technical personnel and consultants from the technical area (systems administrator), the Institute manages the security of DaD platforms and applications with the appropriate settings in the area reserved for administration and configuration; however, teaching that takes place online, through the Internet, remains exposed to risks of violation of privacy due to the behavior of the participants.

The regulation of the first cycle

The Regulation, as well as for the upper secondary cycle, also for the basic cycle, identifies the measures for the design and implementation of the integrated digital education (DDI) school plan to be adopted, in a complementary modality to face-to-face teaching, or tool If the need arises to contain the contagion, it is necessary to suspend again the didactic activities in presence due to the contingent epidemiological conditions. The Regulation – as established in Annex A of the “Guidelines for Integrated Digital Didactics” – is approved by the School Council, a political-administrative and control body of the school that represents all components of the school community. Failure to comply with the rules contained in the Regulation and its annexes may give rise to disciplinary sanctions for both school personnel and students with consequences in the intermediate and final evaluation of the behavior.

Organization of integrated digital teaching

The Faculty – based on Annex A of the “Guidelines for Integrated Digital Didactics” – defines the criteria and methods to implement integrated digital teaching, in accordance with the indications of the Guidelines for integrated digital teaching. Integrated digital teaching, understood as an innovative teaching-learning methodology, is aimed at all students of the School, as a complementary teaching method that integrates the traditional face-to-face school experience. Teaching planning in digital mode must ensure the sustainability of the proposed activities and a general level of inclusiveness, avoiding that the contents and methodologies are the mere transposition of what is usually done in presence.

The Childhood, Primary and First Grade Secondary Plan

Also in this case we propose the format of a Regulation created, based on the experience carried out by prof. Vincenzo Caico, director of the school of the Institute of Higher Education of Monfalcone (Go), of the Integral State Institute “Pietro Aldi” of Manciano, in the province of Grosseto, directed by professor Anna Maria Carbone, collaborated with great professionalism by the digital school animator, Professor Giampaolo Guaina.
