
He continues to swear that, for him, this government is over. Farewell to Giuseppe Conte 2. Who swears that it always is Matteo renzi, which as written by Francesco Verderami about him Corriere della Sera I would be very determined to open the crisis, in which it seems to have stopped shortly before the holidays. And this determination would have been confirmed with very harsh words addressed to the leaders of the Democratic Party and their loyalists: “The experience of Count 2 for me it is already filed. If you want, we can discuss the aftermath. “And the leader of Italia Viva cannot understand, Verderami assures me that some of his former party mates do not believe in his” game over. “Also because I should be hiding on Mars if I change my mind“he says boldly.

The last television performance of the alleged ombudsman was attacked by the scrap dealer: “He made it a party problem. an institutional illiterate“He hit very hard. In short, it seems that Renzi’s countdown is not destined to stop, he wants to open the crisis, despite rumors about a group of” leaders “who could keep the government alive. It is the first step towards The crisis could move tomorrow, Monday, December 28, when Renzi presents the objections of Italia Viva to the draft of Recovery plan. In short, we are on the way to crisis. Although, the He ran, it cannot be ruled out that Count 2 is followed by Count 3. “It may be, although it is difficult for me to trust a Count 3,” Renzi always confided to an exponent of the Democratic Party.
