Some fairly hot months are in the works for taxpayers as ItaliaOggi reports many will be forced to re-file their own within the first 3 months of 2021. unique certification, despite having used the preloaded provided by the Tax Agency. Ultimately, whoever the error is, certainly not the citizen who has carried out the usual procedure, will always pay Pantalone.
The target is the unemployed, retired and laid-off workers (about 620 thousand in total), to whom the INPS is, as has been said, sending the new certification for 2020 that cancels the previous one and replaces it . The reason? The fact that “The certified amounts do not correspond to those actually paid or withheld in 2019”explains the Institute.
Taxpayers who are receiving the new documentation in these hours will be obliged to send their return again and make use of the repentance, so as not to run the risk of non-compliance and therefore activate the machine of tax assessments: and all this because the submission deadlines have already expired. “We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but this will allow you to file your tax return based on a correct Unique Certification”, communicates the INPS to the taxpayer in a letter that accompanies the new certification. Without considering that the inconveniences caused are not “eventual” but certain, especially for those who have traveled on time precisely to avoid running into the guillotine of the tax authorities. The most ridiculous thing is that even those who have relied on the pre-compiled certification, which is also incorrect, will escape the danger.“If you intend to make use of the pre-filled declaration provided by the Tax Agency, you must, if necessary, modify its content based on the modified Single Certification”, explains the National Institute of Social Security.
This earthquake, as expected, also unleashed chaos in the Cafes and professionals who acted as intermediaries in sending the statements, and who now must remedy to avoid disputes from the tax authorities to their clients.
Regarding specifically the type of Error, was not revealed instead. In fact, the INPS limited itself to explaining that the “A modification was necessary to integrate, replace or correct the data of the previous Single Certification, in which the certified amounts did not correspond to those actually paid or retained by the INPS in 2019”. Only from a comparison between the certification sent and the correct one will it be possible to identify inaccuracies that could cost even innocent taxpayers dearly.
At this point, the submission deadlines have expired and the form of “late declaration” or from “omitted statement”. In the first case, the presentation must be made within 90 days after the deadline (March 10, 2021), in the second it goes even further. The late declaration can be done via active regret, with payment of a reduced fine of 25 euros. However, if the delay in the shipment is added to the delay in the payment of taxes (or if these are less than what is actually owed after the correction), then the penalty provided for the “non-payment “.
To try to put out the fire of more than just controversy, INPS added:“In 2020, the INPS issued 19,600,000 certifications to the same number of beneficiaries of social security benefits. Of these, as usually happens every year, around 3% (620,000) were corrected for various reasons that occurred after the issuance of the original certification “ “During the month of November, to all those beneficiaries who have not withdrawn to rectify the MUs, approximately 128,000, the Institute has delivered the usual communication of variation”, concludes the Institute.