Inps, last call for babysitting bonuses and summer camps: who is eligible and how to do it


Finally, the voucher for enrollment in summer camps and complementary services for children cannot be used for the same periods of use as the daycare voucher granted by the INPS, in accordance with Law 232/2016 and subsequent modifications and additions.

For security, defense and rescue personnel

The bonuses are also due to personnel from the security, defense and public rescue sector employed for the needs related to the epidemiological emergency of Covid-19. In such cases, the bonuses are recognized by the INPS up to a global maximum limit of 2,000 euros per household (1,000 for those who have already received an equal amount).

Summer centers voucher

For the summer camp voucher, it is necessary to attach the enrollment to the structures that offer complementary services for children, also indicating the periods of enrollment of the minor in the center (minimum one week). In addition, documentation proving the expenditure made must be attached, indicating the relative amount.

Upon reaching the volume of applications that entails the exhaustion of the indicated endowment, subsequent applications received by the INPS will be admitted and registered subject to acceptance, provided that there are quantities available. Questions can be submitted on the INPS website, through the contact center or patronati.
