INPS error, full payments


Basic income: It was a very lively Thursday given the controversy of the wage earners who have suffered a reduction – often unjustified – of the last month of support paid in the next few days.

As we have already told you, yesterday the INPS has Completed the work on the monthly salary of September of the Citizenship Income; In this sense, while waiting for the payment instructions to be sent to Poste Italiane, it was enough for the beneficiaries to access their personal area to see the amount of the incoming recharge.

Well for many there was alove surprise: the amount, in fact, was also reduced by a few hundred euros. The only possible justification was that for which the INPS had requested the sum cut provided for by current legislation in the event that in the previous months the beneficiary has not spent all of the credited Citizen Income. However, in many cases the cut was exaggerated compared to unspent sums and this led to thinking of a INPS error.

Actually there was an error, so much so that the Institute has decided cancel media cutting operations, at least for this month.

Income of citizenship, the INPS made the mistake: the September cut was canceled

If you have suffered a cut in Citizenship Income this month you can be sure: this It will be canceled and the sending of the payment instructions to Poste Italiane will be for thetotal amount.

To break the news is the Facebook page INPS for the family, which in these hours announced that:

ATTENTION: important information for RdC. After the first application of the calculation related to the reduction established by law, the existence of some types of expenditure methods arose that require further refinement of the calculation mechanism. Therefore, for the time being we will cancel the reductions and this month’s supplies will be sent to Poste Italiane in full.

So all those cuts in the amount justified with “penalty for not using the measure fullyIt will be canceled and the amount that the INPS will pay in the next few days will be the full amount.

About payment timesIt must be said that operations could suffer a slight slowdown precisely because of this error; In many cases, in fact, the INPS had already announced for today the sending of the payment instructions to Poste Italiane (which would therefore have made the payment between today and tomorrow), however it then made a Step back – canceling the previously communicated date – to correct the error.

We will see if you can make the payment this week on time, or if this error will postpone the payment operations until next Monday.

Citizen income: how does the cut really work?

What happened in these hours made us think that we did not understand how the cut worked. On the other hand, many of the citizens’ Income recipients have told us about reductions greater than 100 euros even in cases where there were still a few euros left on the card. So much so that they asked us:

Is it enough to have a small balance on the card to trigger the cut of 20% of the amount?

Good, They’re not here and the backward step of the INPS, which confirmed that it was an error, confirms it.

cut, indeed, only the unspent amount is of interest: if at the end of the month on the card, net of the last recharge, there are € 2.00 or € 3.00 remaining, these will be cut with the next payment.

And if the remaining amount is greater, this can be reduced only within the 20% limit: therefore, in the event that a person takes a Citizenship Income of € 400.00 and at the end of the month has a balance of € 100.00, with the subsequent recharge they will suffer a deduction of only € 80.00.

A complex mechanism to understand and probably also to carry out: that is why the INPS still needs some time to develop this system.
