There is an alarm about stocks of flu vaccines, especially in Lombardy. The region in which one in six Italians live was the first and most affected by the pandemic, with 108,666 infected and 16,973 deaths. And the importance of the flu, the Lombards experienced it in the months of the emergency, when it turned out that only 40% of the isolated symptomatic had the Coronavirus antibodies. Coronavirus, the newsletter of September 7 In 2019 only half of the Lombards who were entitled to it had been vaccinated for free; but the pandemic has …
It is alarm about the stocks of the flu shots, Mainly in Lombardy. The region in which one in six Italians live was the first and most affected by the pandemic, with 108,666 infected and 16,973 deaths. And the importance of the flu was lived by the Lombards in the months of the emergency, when only 40% of the symptomatic patients placed in isolation, later it was discovered, had the Coronavirus antibodies.
Coronavirus, the newsletter for September 7
In 2019, only half of the Lombards who were entitled to it for free had been vaccinated; But the pandemic has made the flu vaccine a contested product in the world market, public health has restricted it to offer it to children 6 months to 6 years and older than 60, and the uncertainty about the availability of vaccines is now rampant. Especially in Lombardy.
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CGIL, CISL and UIL of pensioners wrote to the Councilor for Welfare Giulio Gallera, “concerned” by the “exchange of contradictory statements between the Region and other subjects involved in the anti-flu campaign on effective coverage of the elderly and frail population.” For example, the re-nominated president of the Order of Doctors of Milan Roberto Carlo Rossi, who has long denounced the lack of paid vaccines in pharmacies, in an interview with Open expresses the fear that a staggered arrival of free doses will force to general practitioners to “make a selection among patients.” And the rags flew between Gallera and the mayor of Milan Beppe Sala, after the municipality did not renew the agreement that allowed it to offer the vaccine to its employees. Since the summer, the center-left opposition has accused the Region of mismanaging the anti-flu races, which started in February at last year’s price and partially failed.
Gallera reiterated yesterday that the campaign will begin “immediately after the first half of October” between sports halls, gyms and civic centers, in addition to medical offices. He assures that the Region will be able to count on “three million vaccines, Veneto with 5 million inhabitants has 1.2 million and Emilia Romagna also, we with ten million have already bought 2.4 million.” To the doses already purchased -and paid for double last year- the commissioner adds another half a million vaccines from the tenth contest awarded: 400 thousand taken at 26 euros, plus another 100 thousand at 11.99 euros optional but still under iudice of Aifa . “Due to the ignorance of the council we are with water in our throats”, thunders dem Carmela Rozza. In the regional council, the motion of the radical Michele Usuelli was rejected by majority, asking to restore the practice of offering anti-flu to the operators of private hospitals “that provide 40% of the health services in Lombardy.”
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