Influenza vaccine for children Agreement reached with family pediatricians


Vaccines against influenza, the Region has reached a complementary agreement with the family pediatricians. “Maximum collaboration for the influenza vaccination of children up to 6 years of age and in the management of the student’s symptoms and direct involvement of the pediatrician for the prevention of social problems in preadolescents”

Thus, the regional welfare councilor Giulio Gallera illustrated, in a note, the highlights of the complementary agreement reached by the Lombardy Region with the unions of free-choice pediatricians.

“The agreement – explains the commissioner – provides for a considerable contribution from pediatricians for the management of the child at school, in particular for the reconstruction of symptoms related to the swab result. These elements will provide important predictive indications to the regional working group that is in charge of coordinating the anti-Covid actions to be carried out in relation to school health ”. In addition, the commissioner added:

The Lombard Ats are working together with the pediatricians who guarantee maximum collaboration, an organizational plan for the influenza vaccination of children between six months and six years, which will be launched from mid-November.

