The first distribution of the flu vaccine for at-risk categories from health districts to GPs in Naples and the province began in late September and should be completed in October. At the moment it is not easy to accurately estimate the audience of those who have the right to it for free, but the figure could be around 500 thousand doses, if we also take into account health and school personnel, the police and those who are in contact with animals.
“Campania was one of the first regions to start the distribution process – says the president of the Order of Doctors of Naples, Silvestro Scotti – I personally withdrew the doses on September 28. The concern is always related to the moment to conclude distribution, but for the moment there are positive signs, also considering that last year we started at the beginning of November ”.
Another criticality could arise from the contingency of access to medical offices to avoid crowds. Scotti suggests to subscribers that they become an active part of this process, “not waiting for the citizen to go to the doctor, but managing it in the opposite direction, through reservations and selected admissions. In this way – he reasons – it is possible to proceed by risk categories, starting from the most fragile “.
In addition, if necessary, starting in November the possibility of “exceptional vaccination moments, to be carried out in vehicles equipped and positioned in strategic places in the city, is being evaluated, as was the case with serological tests.” In addition to doctors, the vaccination campaign involves pharmacies.
Even the provincial president of Federfarma, Riccardo Maria Iorio positively values the work carried out so far by the Region and is certain that “all those belonging to the protected categories will be vaccinated. For the remaining part of the population – he specifies – there is a problem supply “. on the part of the companies, which is general and not only concerns Campania, but the first doses should arrive at the end of October “.
Next, the president of Federfarma announces that a memorandum of understanding is being worked with the Region, which must be signed at the end of October, thanks to which the amount of doses that will be allocated to pharmacies for those who are outside the risk categories. Thanks to this agreement, he adds, “it could also mean a slight decrease in the price of the vaccine, which in any case will not suffer any increase compared to last year.”
For citizens who do not belong to protected categories and who still want to protect themselves, also in the face of the Covid emergency, Iorio explains that “it can also be remedied by resorting to immunosuppressants, which increase the immune system and respond well.” The main invitation is “to keep calm and do not panic. Pharmacies are a health center that can help citizens also by providing them with information and reassuring them.”
Although the distribution and, in some cases, the administration of influenza vaccines for doctors in the province of Salerno began some time ago, the knot linked to the marketing of doses in pharmacies remains. The ASL of Salerno, in recent days, also met with free-choice pediatricians to take stock of the situation and that the vaccination campaign could begin within the times provided by the Campania Region.
And, again in recent days, an interlocutory meeting was also held between Federfarma and the Region during which the pharmacists confirmed their willingness to distribute vaccines. The president of the Order of Doctors of the province of Salerno, Giovanni D’Angelo, at the AGI, starting from the premise that “the regionalization of the health system represents, in fact, a difference in the start of vaccination activity in the national territory, and therefore the vaccination campaign has already started in Campania, while in Lombardy it will probably begin in November “, he emphasizes that,” in the province of Salerno, things are going quite well. No particular problems are reported. “
Among the “problems feared by vaccination doctors”, D’Angelo highlights that “it is linked to the possibility of determining the conditions of aggregation between people, where vaccinations are carried out. And this could favor the spread of Covid” . The president of the doctors points out that “the vaccination level forecasts say that, at present, where they are in progress, vaccines are around 90-95 percent, a figure referring to those categories for which vaccination was considered mandatory, in relation to age and health conditions. These are levels never reached before. “
According to him, “all this, perhaps, is linked to the news spread in recent days that the influenza vaccine may have a protective action against the Covid-19 virus. The epidemiological data appeared in some publications.” In any case, “in general, influenza vaccination should be as extensive as possible to facilitate the differential diagnosis with respect to Covid, in the sense that having optimal vaccination coverage would allow greater precision in the diagnosis of Covid-19 ”.
And so, “the flu vaccination campaign could also prove decisive in avoiding dangerous overloads of hospital emergency rooms.” The president of Federfarma Salerno, Dario Pandolfi, from AGI, reiterates that “pharmacies have given the will to distribute vaccines for unprotected groups, therefore from 7 to 59 years old. Probably, they will be given through the Campania Region channel for excess quotas “, but modalities and times” we must establish them during the next week, “he says. Regarding the calendar, however, assuming” that the priorities of the Regions are the protected bands, “he hypothesizes that” no they will be very long. One week, ten days. “
A race against time for flu vaccines, so as not to confuse symptoms with Covid-19. This is how the ASL of Caserta advances in the midst of a health emergency, before autumn and, with it, the second wave of infections.
To explain it is the health director of the ASL of Caserta, Ferdinando Russo. The first stock of pediatric vaccines began on September 23. This is the quadrivalent for children up to 6 years. Trivalents for general practitioners also arrived at the beginning of October and they are already beginning to withdraw them and then begin to schedule the vaccine in their offices.
It begins, of course, with the weaker groups, such as the chronically ill and the elderly. At the moment, about 45 thousand vaccines divided into two stocks have arrived at Caserta ASL. More to come in the coming weeks. According to an ASL calculation, the need for the entire province of Caserta would be around 130-150 thousand vaccines.
“The need has increased – explains Russo – because we are including as many people as possible in the vaccination campaign. Among them, in fact, there are also health workers, such as those from Sant’Anna and San Sebastiano hospitals who belong to our Local Health Authority. and all the RSAs “.” With the pediatricians – he concludes – luckily we were able to leave before October because we already had stock. “
The influenza vaccine campaign began yesterday (Thursday 8), with the gradual distribution of stocks throughout the province of Irpinia, but the request from all the higher risk categories already began a few days ago.
“They are equipping us, especially with regard to family doctors – explains the president of the Avellino Order of Doctors, Franco Sellitto – and to the colleagues who have some doubts, I remember that it is our duty. Vaccinating patients is a must. Many mayors are helping us by making larger spaces available. “
The difficulties posed by family doctors, before the campaign began, were represented precisely by the impossibility, in some cases, of guaranteeing the right distance and adequate routes in studies, often without double exits or rooms large enough to avoid overcrowding.
“Some municipalities have planned the use of more spacious structures – Sellitto continues – in other cases the doctors will organize the administration of vaccines outside of surgery hours, so as not to take time away from visiting hours, a little to divide the type of interventions. There will be no difficulties ”.
And there is a good sign according to the president of Avellino’s medical order. “If before, until last year, the group of more than 75 percent was covered by the flu vaccine – he points out – now we have requests that lead us to believe that we will reach 95 percent. I think there will be supply problems for those who do not belong to the higher risk categories but who are still more exposed to the infection and intend to be vaccinated. These people will have to buy vaccines at the pharmacy, but I am afraid that the stocks are not enough “.
In fact, the free vaccination campaign is reserved for adults over 60, children from 6 months to 6 years, people with chronic diseases, public service employees and pregnant women. To get vaccinated, you must contact your family doctor or the vaccination center of the health district of residence.