Influenza vaccine 2020 March, when to do it and for whom it is free – Chronicle


Ancona, October 7, 2020 – The flu vaccine 2020 is ready a month earlier than usual in Market. The regional campaign, in fact, will start on Thursday October 15th. However, 110 thousand doses are missing compared to those ordered by the Region.

To know more Available vaccines are growing in the pharmacies of Emilia Romagna The cost. Here’s who it’s free for The Guide

Flu Vaccine 2020, for those who are free

As every year the vaccine will be offered free to all people over 65 years of age. Affected people of any age will also be vaccinated free of charge. diseases and the conditions are likely to develop serious complications. Finally, for the first time, children can get vaccinated for free adults between 60 and 64 years ei children between 6 months and 6 years.

Pregnant women and blood donors: for whom vaccination is recommended

The other categories for which influenza vaccination is recommended are operators sanitary, operators of essential services, women in the pregnancy, hospitalized in long-term care facilities, blood donors.

Order 421 thousand doses: + 40%

Asur Marche, which organizes flu vaccination in collaboration with other SRH agencies, has asked for a total ofand 421,000 files, with an increase of 40% compared to the doses planned for the 2019-2020 season, extending the race to the highest possible altitude. Considering the opportunity to extend influenza vaccination to children between 6 months and 6 years and adults between 60 and 64 years, as suggested by the Ministry of Health, the Regional Epidemiological Observatory carried out an analysis that estimated about 530 thousand the necessary doses according to the different vaccination coverage scenarios.

Taking into account the total doses ordered by Asur, the doses estimated to be necessary to cover the globally estimated needs are equal to at least 110,000 additional units. This assessment was sent on October 2 by the Marche Region Health Service to the Ministry of Health and many other Regions submitted a request for compensation. Meanwhile, ordered doses are arriving in staggered times and the widespread distribution of available vaccines is already underway.

Priority to elderly and frail patients

To attend to all vaccination needs in an orderly manner, Asur Marche will give priority to the issues in October Old people, ai more fragile patients and ai Health workers, thanks to the usual commitment of Family Physicians who, together with the Pediatricians of Free Choice, have given a broad willingness to collaborate, together with the vaccination services of the Prevention Departments.

The concomitant circulation of influenza and COVID-19 makes vaccination even more important this year, especially for risk categories.
