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03/26/2021 – “I regret to inform you that due to the number of infections found in our region in the last week, which exceeded 250 per 100,000 inhabitants, we will also be in the red zone next week as established” by the last decree law ”, are the words of the President of the Region, Francesco Acquaroli.
During this week, the number of infections and pressure in emergency rooms is decreasing, while hospital pressure remains very high. Despite the understandable exasperation and the many difficulties, I continue to recommend to everyone the utmost care to overcome this complicated situation as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, the vaccination campaign continues. This morning, more than 147,000 people from Marche received the first dose, almost 10% of the regional population, for a total of more than 230,000 administrations, 91.3% of the doses delivered to us ”, concludes Acquaroli.
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