infections in Milan and Lombardy on Sunday, August 30, 2020


The fight against the coronavirus continues in Lombardy, where fear of the rise of new covid infections remains high, as throughout the nation.

Constant increase in the number of patients cured and discharged (+48) in Lombardy where 12,863 swabs were made. Of these, 235 positives were found. The ratio of the number of new swabs to the positive ones found is 1.8%. There is no contagion in Sondrio.

Of the 235 cases, 30 are considered “weak positives” and 7 arrive after serological tests. The healed / discharged are a total of 76,248 (+48), of which 1,283 discharged and 74,965 recovered. In the ICU there are 20 patients with an increase of two units. Patients hospitalized outside the ICU increased to 194 (+9). Three people died in the last 24 hours, for a total of 16,863.

The cases divided by province are as follows: in the province of Milan there are 80 new cases, of which 45 in the city of Milan. In Bergamo: 17; in Brescia: 28; in As: 25; in Cremona: 2; in Lecco: 6; in Lodi: 2; in Mantua: 16; in Monza and Brianza: 22; in Pavia: 12; in Varese: 12 and, in fact, no one in Sondrio.

The infographic

Coronavirus Bulletin August 30, 2020 - 2

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