infections at bar parties, 70 sick in three days


It had already happened with the Bengalis. And now it happens to the Peruvian community a Rome. The proportions are similar but they are not cases of re-entry since Peru is still closed and is on the list of countries, reaffirmed in the last decree of President Conte, by which entry to Italy is prohibited. The fact is that there is a maxi outbreak with more than 70 people found positive COVID-19 Nationality Peruvian.

Covid Rome, Peruvian outbreak born in Torpignattara

The infections date back to the end of August and have multiplied in meeting places: parks but especially parties in discos, in particular two bars in Municipality V. It is the Kokus Bar in Torpignattara in via Casilina and a Brazilian ice cream parlor (el bar still closed until 18/09), in Tor de Schiavi.

The contagion began on August 26

What happened? At the end of August 26, a Peruvian hairdresser organized her birthday party at Energia do Brasil, which became an extended party: from a maximum of thirty guests at the beginning, at the end of the party there were many more participants. . Those who are rebuilding the outbreak say that each guest brought three people and there were also musicians.

In the following days, several participants went to the Kokus bar and then to another Latin American venue in Ostia. But above all they continued to have long lunches and dinners. Therefore, more and more cases appear due to swabs (30 positive Peruvians only yesterday). And for three days the chat and social networks have been hot with constant word of mouth in a Spanish mixed with Italian: “Buffer covid 19 free in Largo Preneste from Monday to Sunday only with health card and stp.” Translated: Peruvian compatriots make swabs immediately. “It is very important in fact that everyone who attended these parties, or was in contact with those who participated in them, got hyssop”, repeat the health authorities.

The Kokus bar closed on September 5: it is seized. The venue includes a bar, bar, and a small room at the rear, inside, used as a disco with tables, lights, and a DJ station. The police, who had already closed it in February because it was a meeting place for offenders, confirmed the absence of licenses.

Panic in the Latino community runs fast: hairdressers, restaurants and other merchants temporarily closed their businesses and began to disinfect. The road to Largo Preneste at the Casa della Salute Santa Caterina della Rosa was robbed. The Latin American community moved quickly, “fortunately”, stressed the ASL. Since yesterday the drive-in theater in via degli Eucalipti is no longer in operation but it is a decision that could also be reviewed if the outbreak becomes larger. In addition, since yesterday another drive-in theater has opened at the Meat Center on Viale Palmiro Togliatti from 9 to 19.

Yesterday, of almost 12,000 tampons in Lazio, 148 cases were registered, of these 98 are in Rome and one death. “The swabs are increasing and the cases are decreasing,” reports the regional health advisor Alessio D’Amato, who has given the mandate to ASL Roma 2 to initiate the epidemiological investigation on the Peruvian community. ASL itself has also organized a special campaign at the Pertini hospital for cancer patients who need an exclusive space for reasons of fragility. Acli, for its part, has organized more than 100 listening points in the capital and in the province, between clubs, centers and branches and a single orientation number, 06-57087051, active from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. that will offer various services. such as the collection of fees with special attention to parental leave, permits and Law 104, but also psychological assistance to support families and face the return to school.

Last updated: 07:25

