Infections and hospitalizations in the Bergamo area Slight increase, a little light – The data


“We are starting to see some light.” Stefano Fagiuoli, director of the “Papa Giovanni” department of Medicine in Bergamo, says it with caution. But the feeling is concrete, intertwining the numbers with the daily observatory of the clinical front: “Certainly, in this second wave, in Bergamo we have never seen the great increase experienced in other areas of Lombardy and Italy, and now the slowdown that we observe is even more consistent than the others, ”adds Fagiuoli.

After all, at different speeds, the virus has also moved in the Bergamo area. In La Bassa he ran: “We saw it in the last month from the access to the emergency room – confirms the chief doctor -: the prevalence of patients from La Bassa or the Milanese border, compared to Val Brembana or Seriana, is sensationally different”.

“Like early April”

Meanwhile, on Monday, November 16, the daily report of the new infections returned contained values ​​for Bergamo: 177 new cases, few more than the 154 on Monday, November 9 (Mondays are days that make history in themselves, for the number of processed buffers); in Lombardy, the total is 4,128 new infections out of 18,037 tests (positive rate of 22.89%). However, there were four Covid deaths in the Bergamo province and 99 across the region. In Bergamo yesterday, the municipalities with the highest daily growth were Bergamo (+13 cases), Dalmine (+8), Stezzano (+8), Treviglio (+7), Cisano (+7). As for why infections were more limited in the orogenic land than in the rest of Lombardy, immunity and liability are held together: “The seroprevalence data provide very significant data for certain areas. Furthermore, it is easy for those who lived in Bergamo in February and March to understand the difference in terms of behavior and responsibility – continues the chief doctor -. In this phase we have seen a slightly low proportion of people who needed intensive care or high assistance: it is as if we had skipped the peak of the central part of March and were experiencing more or less the situation of the beginning of April, that is, with people who they go to intensive care, but especially with patients who progressively require relatively brief hospitalizations and then return home. The bulk of our effort is aimed at lending a hand to the rest of the territory: something that I think is largely due, because we are part of the same health system. It will be essential to be alert, so as not to repeat the mistakes of Ferragosto at Christmas: “The summer, paradoxically, helped to contain the spread of the virus, even in excess: the aggregations were outdoors and with temperatures that made it less easy to spread. In winter, if you “give up” with the same principles, it is even more dangerous: you are indoors, closer, with more complicated temperatures – Fagiuoli concludes -. It is clear that moral, ethical and economic sacrifices await us difficult, but it is necessary to continue with responsibility, especially to protect the most fragile.
