Infected a child in a Pergine nest. The 5 companions will be subjected to buffering and isolation.


PERGINA VALSUGANA. “A new Corona Virus infection. This is a boy who tested positive after a check-up at the hospital. Another 5 children will have to be quarantined and swabbed and inserted into the same section of the nursery that he had attended without any symptoms until Friday.“. The position of the Mayor of Pergine Valsugana Roberto Oss Emer.

Within a few days of the reopening of children’s facilities, therefore, infections begin to emerge. Infections that, as required by the protocol, entail a series of consequences such as the isolation of the subjects living with the positive ones.. It is in a Update on the coronavirus situation of September 7, 2020, that the mayor of Perugia announces the infected room in the municipal area.

An infected person who, as mentioned, leads to the quarantine of all the companions of the child, 5 of them belonging to the same section. As for the other classesinstead it is always the mayor who indicates that it is not necessary to take any action against him. “The other sections, considering the protocols implemented from the first day of opening, have had no contact and no health problems stand out,” continues Oss Emer.

In a day in which infections continue to mark important figures, ben 17 out of just 322 swabs – but “the numbers are high because of the fierce contact tracing activity,” noted the Apss Prevention Director Antonio Ferro at a press conference – after one Much more troublesome Sunday (33 new cases of which 8 are minors, of which half are children and 4 are over 70), of Pergine that therefore comes the news of another contagion among the little ones.

The The positivity of the child thus leads to the implementation of measures aimed at limiting the damage.. In addition to cleaning and quarantining the other 5 children, in the municipality of Pergine there are 9 people, belonging to 4 families, placed in fiduciary isolation even if it is not positive. am 15 people belonging to 6 familiesinstead those subject to mandatory quarantine measures without any symptoms after returning from holidays or stays abroad. “Regarding the structure of San Cristoforo managed by Civil Protection – continues the mayor of Pergine – hosts 25 people from out of town, including 10 positive for the Corona virus and 15 quarantined”.

There is no news for the situation of our RSA – concludes – is still Covid free. I repeat the the need to comply with sanitary ordinances and protocols and absolutely not let down your guard. We recommend the utmost caution and especially to families to avoid taking children to kindergarten or kindergarten in case of flu symptoms and to observe health procedures to avoid the spread of the virus.
