“Do you think you are intimidating us by threatening approval in Parliament? We were the first to invoke it ”. Continue the duel between Matteo renzi me Giuseppe Conte, while the former continues to press the accelerator of the crisis, which at this moment seems inevitable. Second Republic, Renzi would have played the premier press conference as provocation against him, given that he spoke of a “high ultimatum” and confirmed no to the ESM and the transfer of the delegation to the secret services. It is no coincidence that yesterday the summit between Renzianos and Minister Gualtieri ended in a stalemate, the former being the one who noted the “abysmal” distances, especially in the Recovery Fund.
Always second Republic, the senator from Rignano is not even afraid of hunt for “responsible” de Conte: “We know they are looking for them to neutralize us, but I don’t think this is a successful operation.” Also because the Democratic Party does not seem willing to compromise in this regard: officially the party of Nicola Zingaretti wait, with what was supposed to be a government check that has instead turned into a duel between Conte and Renzi. The latter would have been intercepted by some dem-emissaries with the intention of making him understand that the vote is not an empty threat, but he does not seem to see it that way: it is more likely that a Count Ter or a government will emerge with a new prime minister. instead of ending up at the polls.