Industry: ISTAT, production falls -5.6% in September – Economy


Industrial production fell again, after four months of recovery, it fell 5.6% in September compared to August and 5.1% compared to the previous year. This was announced by Istat. Despite the decline in September, the quarter that began in July maintains a strong positive signal (+ 28.6%) compared to the previous quarter characterized by the Covid lockdown

After four months of growth and the strong increase registered in August – explains Istat – in September, industrial production fell in economic terms, however registering a level higher than 1.3% compared to July. Compared to February 2020, the month immediately before the outbreak of the crisis, the level is approximately 4% lower, while, in trend terms, the calendar-adjusted index is 5.1% lower .

The particularly important trend reductions refer to the textile, clothing, leather and accessories industries (-20.8%) and oil (-20.4%). The only sectors of economic activity that registered trend increases are mining (+ 2.7%), the supply of electricity, gas, steam and air (+ 2.0%) and other industries (+ 0.2%). %). If we look at the sectors, the seasonally adjusted index shows cyclical declines: negative variations characterize, in fact, consumer goods (-4.8%), capital goods (-3.9%), intermediate goods (-1.6 %) and, to a lesser extent, energy (-0.3%). Corrected for calendar effects, in September 2020 the general index decreased by 5.1% compared to the previous year (22 calendar business days compared to September 21, 2019). The decreases are greater for capital goods (-7.1%), consumer goods (-5.7%) and intermediate goods (-4.2%), while energy remains essentially stationary (-0.1 %).
