“Increase in cases largely in the family”


The virus has not disappeared, on the contrary. The data fromlatest newsletter They are clear: 20 deaths and 1,912 new cases, never that many after the closure. In the week of September 14 to 20, 2,868 active outbreaks in Italy, of which 832 new: the data increases for the eighth consecutive week (2,397 active outbreaks were reported in the previous follow-up week, of which 698 new). This is what emerges in the weekly monitoring report of the Ministry of Health and the ISS. Outbreaks have been reported in almost all Italian provinces (102 out of 107).

The increase in coronavirus cases in Italy

“The number of Covid-19 cases in our country is increasing for the eighth week in a row, even if the RT remains around 1. There are several outbreaks throughout the country, and most of these, more than three-quarters, are due to intradomiciliary transmission, family transmission “. This has been said by Giovanni Rezza, general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, commenting on the data of the usual weekly bulletin on the incidence of the coronavirus.

Rezza says he is concerned about “the situation of neighboring countries to Italy, quite worrying ”. For this reason, the expert explains, “for these and other reasons it is necessary to continue to maintain prudent behavior, especially to avoid meetings that may endanger the health of individuals and communities. And maintain normal behaviors of physical distancing. Of course it is always advisable to use the mask in a public place and wash your hands frequently and carefully ”.

The 12 Italian regions with Rt above 1

The Rt (r with t) index describes the contagion rate after the application of measures designed to contain the spread of the disease. And there are twelve regions with Rt above 1:

  • Abruzzo 1.1
  • Calabria 1.13
  • Campania 1.1
  • Friuli Venezia Giulia 1.11
  • Liguria 1.31
  • Molise 1.04
  • Autonomous Province of Bolzano 1.28
  • Autonomous Province of Trento 1.24
  • Apulia 1.06
  • Sicily 1.2
  • Umbria 1.06
  • Veneto 1.01

Rt index less than 1, on the other hand, in these regions:

  • Lombardy 0.75
  • Emilia Romagna 0.78
  • Straight 0.85
  • Walk 0.99
  • Piedmont 0.96
  • Sardinia 0.77
  • Tuscany 0.93
  • Aosta Valley 0.59
  • Basilicata 0.73

In ten autonomous regions and provinces there was an increase in the number of diagnosed cases compared to the previous week.

Mean age at diagnosis does not increase

“Fortunately this week the mean age at diagnosis does not increase, which stops at around 41 years -explained Giovanni Rezza- and this explains why the number of hospitalizations, although it tends to increase, does so very, very slowly.”

The impact on schools

It is not possible to evaluate, at the moment, “the impact that the opening of schools in Italy will have on the advance of the epidemic. It is believed that this aspect will be evaluable from the next 2-3 weeks”. Thus, in the weekly monitoring of the Ministry of Health-Iss, in which it is highlighted that “the reopening of schools continues to be one of the elements to be carefully monitored.”

“The high attention to which the measures implemented (such as screening, daily temperature detection, procedures for the management of suspected symptomatic cases in the school environment) have contributed to the rapid identification and diagnosis of the cases. Numerous epidemiological investigations are being carried out and quarantine procedures have been activated when necessary, ”the report’s authors explain.

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Coronavirus, the bulletin: 20 deaths and 1,912 new cases, never so many after closing

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