After the post-lockdown slowdown, the month of October, with 12,000 more cases, confirms the resurgence of work-related infections already detected in September. The reported deaths are 332.13 more than in the previous follow-up (four occurred in October). It is equivalent to about a third of the total fatal accidents reported to Inail since the beginning of the year.
I infections at work of Covid-19 reported to Inail as of October 31 are 66,781. Equal to 15.8% of all complaints received since the beginning of the year and 9.8% of the national infected reported by the Higher Institute of Health (ISS).
There are 332 fatal cases, 13 more than in the follow-up prior to September 30 (four deaths occurred in October, the rest refer to previous months due to the consolidation of the data). It is equivalent to about a third of the total deaths reported to Inail since the beginning of the year, with an incidence of 0.9% compared to the fatal cases of Covid-19 reported by the ISS.
Inail, workplace infections are growing rapidly
In the peak of infections in the months of March and April (where almost 70% of the cases are concentrated) there was a reduction in May and especially in the summer months of June-August (below 1,000 cases per month, also in consideration of vacations). for many categories of workers).
In September, Inail says, however, a resurgence of complaints began to take place, reaching almost 1,700 cases. To get to the month of October in which the “second wave” of infections had a significant impact on the workplace as well.
New reports of Covid-19 infections of professional origin amount to 12,000, a figure that is set to increase in the next survey due to the particularly influential consolidation in the final month of the series.
Health and care sector most affected
Compared to the productive activities involved in the pandemic, the health and social care sector is the most affected. It includes hospitals, homes for the elderly and the elderly, institutes, university clinics and polyclinics, residences for the elderly and the disabled. Recorded the 69.8% of complaints and 21.6% of the fatal cases coded. It precedes the public administration (activities of the bodies responsible for health – Asl – and regional, provincial and municipal administrators), which represent 8.7% of reported infections and 10.2% of deaths.
The other sectors most affected – writes Inail – are business support services (surveillance, cleaning and call center). Manufacturing, including chemical and pharmaceutical processing, printing, food industry. The activities of accommodation and restaurant services and wholesale trade.
Nail complaints decreased compared to March-April
By dividing the entire observation period into three intervals, the “emergency shutdown“(Until May inclusive), phase”post lock“(From June to August) and phase of Second wave infections (September-October) – significant differences can be found in terms of incidence of the phenomenon.
For all sectors of health, social assistance and public administration, in particular, there is a reduction in the incidence of complaints in the second phase and an increase in the third. In fact, it has gone from 80.5% of the cases coded in the first period up to and including May, to 49.8% in the June-August quarter. To then rise to 74.5% in the September-October two-month period.
On the contrary, in other sectors, with the gradual resumption of activities, the incidence of contagion cases increased in the first two phases and decreased in the third.
This is the case, for example, of accommodation and restaurant services, which went from 2.5% in the first period to 6.2% in the following quarter and to 1.9% in the September-October two-month period. Or transportation, which went from 1.2% to 5.6% and 2.2% respectively.
Healthcare and employees are at higher risk
The analysis of occupational infections by profession of the injured confirms that the category most affected is that of sanitary technicians. With 39.3% of infections reported, approximately 83% of which were nurse-related and 10.0% of cases fatal.
Followed by socio-health workers (20.0%), doctors (10.1%), social workers (8.4%) and unskilled personnel of the health services, such as auxiliaries, porters and orderlies (4, 6 %). The other professional categories most involved are those of administrative employees (3.4%), cleaning service workers (2%), health managers (1.1%) and vehicle drivers (1%).
The incidence of contagion cases for the health professions decreased progressively in the first two phases and increased in the third. Health technicians, mostly nursesin fact, they went from 39.6% in the first period, up to and including May, to 23.3% in the June-August quarter, before rising to 41.1% in the last two months. Physicians, who fell from 10.2% in the “block” phase to 4.0% in the “post-block” phase, in the second wave of infections recorded an incidence of 11%.
More women than men
Almost seven out of 10 infected (69.7%) are women, with an average age since the beginning of the epidemic of 47 years for both sexes. 43.1% of all complaints refer to the age group 50 to 64 years, followed by the age groups 35 to 49 years (36.4%), 18 to 34 years (18.4%) and older than 64 years (2.1%). Fatal cases, on the other hand, are mainly concentrated in men (83.7%) and in the group aged 50 to 64 years (70.8%) and over 64 years (19.0%). With an average age of the deceased of 59 years.
Health technicians have an average age of 44 at the time of infection. Less than that of secretarial and general affairs employees (51 years), unskilled personnel in health and education services (50), doctors and vehicle drivers (49).
One in two cases in the Northwest
The territorial analysis shows that more than half of the complaints presented to Inail (53.1%) correspond to the Northwest. They are followed by the Northeast (22.3%), Center (13.2%), South (8.3%) and Islands (3.1%). Focusing the analysis exclusively on deaths, the percentage from the Northwest rises to 55.6%. While the South, with 16.6% of the reported fatalities, precedes the Northeast (13.3%), the Center (12.7%) and the Islands (1.8%). With a third of the reported infections (33.1%) and 41.3% of the deaths, Lombardy is confirmed as the most affected region.