On the night of Monday, October 19 the mayor of Varese Davide Galimberti published a video message with an update on the situation in the city regarding the health emergency.
These are the words of the mayor: «Even today it has been a day of great affluence and contagion in the Province and in the city. TO Varese we have more than 170 cases, infected people and hundreds are those who are isolated. To face the pandemic, the rules of the Prime Minister’s decree and the regional ordinance must be respected ”.
«We must wear – continues the mayor of Varese – masks and spacing. It is unthinkable that the police would commit to enforcing this banal rule. We need the willingness of citizens and collaboration to maintain work and schools.
«The appeal – concludes Galimberti – is for maximum attention and fundamental rules. I asked Ats to tell us in a timely manner where the infections were so everyone can specifically intervene. It is essential to have this data. We We have reactivated this precious service to help older people avoid leaving home. A series of aid that intensifies anti-contagion measures “
Health emergency: the latest news
# Covid19, an update on the situation. Today I asked the Prefect to convene a provincial table because we need to know precisely from ATS where the greatest cases of contagion occur. We have also reactivated the home shopping service only for seniors.
Posted by Davide Galimberti Mayor on Monday, October 19, 2020