in Tuscany 38 new cases and 15 deaths, of which 11 in the Florentine


There are 9,721 cases of Coronavirus positivity in Tuscany, 38 more than yesterday. New cases are 0.4% more than the previous day’s total.

The healed, 147, all viral, grew by 3.6% and reached 4,199 (43.2% of the total cases). The tests carried out reached 170,296, 4,234 more than yesterday, those analyzed today are 4,260.

Currently there are 4,592 positives today, 2.6% less than yesterday. There are 15 new deaths: 10 men and 5 women with an average age of 84.1 years.

These are the data, verified today at 12 noon on the basis of requests from the National Civil Protection, related to the trend of the epidemic in the region.

Below are the cases of positivity in the territory with the change compared to yesterday, remembering that they do not refer to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made.

There are 3,296 cases in general in Florence today (21 more than yesterday), 536 in Prato (1 more), 648 in Pistoia (1 more), 1,022 in Massa Carrara (1 more), 1,319 in Lucca (3 more), 865 in Pisa (2 more), 531 in Livorno (1 more), 660 in Arezzo (5 more), 427 in Siena (2 more), 417 in Grosseto (1 more).

There are 23 more, therefore, cases found today in Central ASL, 7 in the Northwest, 8 in the Southeast. The region is confirmed as Tenth place in Italy as the number of cases with around 261 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (Italian average around 359 X 100,000, yesterday’s figure).

The notification provinces with the highest rate are Massa Carrara with 524 cases X 100,000 inhabitants, Lucca with 340, Florence with 326, the lowest Livorno with 159.

Overall, 4109 people are in solitary confinement at home, either because they have mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or have no symptoms (79 less than yesterday, -2.6%).

11409 (less 1,293 compared to yesterday, less 10.2%) are people, also isolated, in active surveillance, because they have had contact with infected people (Central Asl 5,739, Northwest 4,956, Southeast 714).

The number of people hospitalized in beds dedicated to Covid patients is still decreasing, which today is a total of 483, 45 less than yesterday (-8.5%), of which 84 in intensive care (less 7 compared to yesterday) . It is the lowest point reached since March 17, 2020 for total hospitalizations, until March 13 for intensive care.

The total number of people recovered increased to 4199 (147 more than yesterday, 3.6% more): 1,345 “clinically healed” people, who became asymptomatic after presenting clinical manifestations associated with the infection, and 2854 (147 people, plus 5.4%) declared that they were cured in all aspects, the so-called viral cures, with a double negative buffer.

15 new deaths were recorded: 10 men and 5 women with an average age of 84.1 years. Regarding the province of notification of death, 11 people died in the province of Florence, 3 in Massa Carrara, 1 in Arezzo.

930 have died since the beginning of the epidemic divided as follows: 330 in Florence, 43 in Prato, 76 in Pistoia, 134 in Massa Carrara, 126 in Lucca, 77 in Pisa, 50 in Livorno, 42 in Arezzo, 28 in Siena, 16 in Grosseto, 8 people died on Tuscan soil, but were residents outside the region.

The crude Tuscan mortality rate (number of deceased inhabitants / residents) for Covid-19 is 24.9X 100,000 residents against 50.6 X100,000 of the Italian average (12th region).

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Regarding the provinces, the highest mortality rate is found in Massa Carrara (68.8x 100,000), Florence (32.6 x 100,000), Lucca (32.5 x 100,000) and the lowest in Grosseto (7). , 2x 100,000).
