In Trentino, the most critical hospital situation in Italy: alarm thresholds are exceeded in resuscitation and in wards


According to the decree of the Minister of Health of April 30, 2020, the alarm threshold for intensive care places occupied by covid patients has been set at 30%.

It is surpassed by 14 regions and all have decreasing values, except the autonomous province of Trento and Veneto: Abruzzo (31%), Friuli Venezia Giulia (32%), Lazio (34%), Liguria (33%), Lombardy (51%) , Marche (40%), Autonomous Province of Bolzano (31%), Autonomous province of Trento (59%), Piedmont (42%), Puglia (41%), Sardinia (32%), Tuscany (37%), Umbria (35%) and Veneto (35%).

Regarding the positions occupied in non-critical areas, that is, in the departments of medicine, pulmonology and infectious diseases, the limit threshold has been identified at 40%.

It is currently exceeded by 10 regions, 5 less than the data of a week ago: Autonomous province of Trento (68%), Emilia Romagna (50%), Friuli Venezia Giulia (51%), Lazio (45%), Liguria (46%), Autonomous Province of Bolzano (41%), Piedmont (65%), Puglia (44%) and Valle d’Aosta (42%) and Veneto (45%).

Improves the situation in Campania, which returns to the limit values ​​both for intensive care and for hospitalizations in the plant, while the most critical is that of Trento.
