Enough of the aperitifs, the improvised parties in the street, the gatherings of dozens of people with drinks in hand in front of the discos. After the cases of Milan, Rome, Lucca, Catania and other cities, the government is working on a strict rule to stop what is left of the nightlife. Not only will the bars continue to close at 6pm, but after six in the afternoon it will be sale of take away food prohibited.
The grip, not yet official, confirms as in meeting of heads of delegation with Prime Minister Conte The “hard line” of the Minister of Health was imposed, concerned about the more than 18 thousand infections and the positive rate of 13.3. And therefore stop moving between regions (including yellow ones), curfew from 10 pm to 5 am and recommendation not to welcome more than two people who do not live together Today Roberto Speranza is the head of regional affairs Francesco Boccia we’ll meet the presidents of the regions, which should give the green light.
The new containment measures for Covid-19 will take effect on January 16 and will last for one month, or a maximum of 45 days. Palazzo Chigi could write a Dpcm, or simply a decree with which enlarge the measurements of the previous Dpcm and also the state of emergency: lthe idea is to advance “from quarter to quarter”, then the date of deadline should look at April 30th. Hopefully the decree will be approved on Wednesday, January 13, after Speranza has presented it. the new measures in Parliament and after Conte has met with the Council of Ministers.
White band
The Dpcm will confirm the risk band system, which triggers the measurements of the yellow, orange and red areas. A quarter will be added to the three colors.. The white band was designed to indicate a “pandemic exit prospect.” The Higher Institute of Health is studying the parameters to trigger the return to almost normal life: Rt below 1 and a very low risk level. Cinemas, theaters, concert halls, gyms and swimming pools may reopen and the movements will be free. For now, unfortunately, no region is at such low risk.
Stop between regions
The request of the “penalty shooters”, Speranza, Franceschini and Boccia, is to keep the ban on crossing regional borders even in the “yellow” territories, if it were not for study, work, emergency and health reasons. “This limitation must remain because it serves to stop infections,” asked the head of the M5S delegation. Alfonso Bonafede.
The idea is of keep shopping centers closed on holidays and days before holidays. Scientists would have proposed activating the orange zone over the weekend for all of Italy, but Italia Viva opposes adding another limitation so drastic that it would cause bars and restaurants to close.
Two guests
Strong recommendation to do not invite more than two people who do not live in the house, even in the yellow areas. And if the premier wins, the repeal that allows two adults with children under 14 years to leave your municipality to visit friends and family only once a day, within your region.
Bar without takeout
At 6 in the afternoon the bars will have to close, home delivery will be allowed but the sale of take away food and drinks will be prohibited. If confirmed, this measure could generate controversy and protests. by Teresa Bellanova “For exhibitors who do not respect the rules, they will have to pay everyone.” The head of the Italia Viva delegation insisted on yesterday’s summit “a quick snack plan».
Open museums
The Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini is considering with scientists if possible reopen museums at least in the yellow areas, with limited admissions.
January 11, 2021 (change January 11, 2021 | 07:32 am)