Interventions calibrated in the economic damage actually suffered, to compensate the losses of economic activities, taking as a reference a full annuity and not individual monthly payments.
by N.Co.
Interventions calibrated in the economic damage actually suffered, to compensate the losses of economic activities, taking as a reference a full annuity and not individual monthly payments.
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In the Sostegno decree, citizens’ income must be refinanced with one billion euros and emergency income extended. The indiscretion occurs after the issue was at the center of the meeting between the Minister of Labor Andrea Orlando and the Minister of Economy Daniele Franco. The decree is expected to contain aid for around 9.5 billion.
Will act on the damage suffered
Sources of the Mise have also announced that the Decree of Support will contemplate interventions calibrated according to the economic damage actually suffered, to compensate the losses suffered by economic activities, taking as a reference a full annuity and not individual monthly payments. The sources also clarify that the interpretations, such as that of the 2020 two-month period for the calculation of damages, are “misleading and without foundation.” The confirmation comes from Undersecretary Claudio Durigon, contacted by telephone: they will be “year by year” and therefore they will not compare two two-month periods (January-February 2019 with January-February 2021) as indicated in the first draft of the decree. The calculation on an annual basis could flatten the changes that in 2020 had penalized some categories in particular. “If the closures continue, we have to put our hand in other initiatives. I say yes to more deviations if they should work, ”said Undersecretary Durigon.
Folders: payment terms suspended until April 30
The draft decree provides that notifications of tax invoices will be shared, but that there is suspension of payment terms until April 30. April 30 is the date on which the state of emergency must end according to current regulations. Foreclosures of salaries and pensions are also expected to be suspended until April 30. News also for scrapping and balance quotas and extract from March 1, which has stopped one of the so-called press release laws. You are expected to be able to pay until July 31 for installments that are due in 2020. For those due in 2021 (with installments of February 28, March 31, May 31, and July 31), you can expect payment until September 30th.
The Vaccine Center
In the Sostegni decree, Durigon had specified to “Radio Radio” in recent days, they are working on “a synergistic pole for vaccines in Italy”, adding that the Minister of Economic Development, Giancarlo Giorgetti, is working on the issue. . The draft decree also provides for two billion euros for vaccines, including transport and administration, and anti-Covid therapies.
Extension of the layoff freeze
The decree speaks after the extension of the block of layoffs until the end of June and the extension of the Cig Covid for all of 2021. Suspension of the sending of new files for another two months until the end of April.