ASCOLI – The Coronavirus He goes back on strike especially in schools. Among young people with positive buffer Yesterday students from the Orsini Baccalaureate (which in any case will remain closed until October 15, alternatively there is distance learning), the Ulpiani Agricultural Institute and finally a student from the Trebbiani Linguistic Baccalaureate enrolled.
School drives Covid infections in the Marches, but fall wave doesn’t blow up shelters
The relevant classes have been placed in fiduciary quarantine pending the result of the swab. Unfortunately, in the group of positive students, there are also young people who play at the Ascoli youth soccer academy. All activities of the Juventus youth sector were automatically suspended. Overall, at 10pm yesterday there were 17 cases of positivity for Coronavirus compared to 400 swabs processed. Montegallo, a Covid-free municipality, also collapses with two positive cases for the virus.
Among those infected there is also a bartender from Villa Pigna who transmitted the virus to all family members and hopefully not to customers. The public exercise was inevitably closed pending the recovery of the owners. Mayor Matteo Terrani of Folignano reiterates the use of protective equipment as a broken record for his fellow citizens. Not everyone is doing it. The health workers in the ward where the chief physician tested positive were also subjected to smears. In fact, not only is the number of infected people growing, but also that of those in home isolation, which has risen to 712 units.
Therefore, the number of those who ask to undergo the swab increases. Despite calls for social distancing, there have been gatherings in recent weeks just in front of the Mazzoni hospital triage to undergo the tampon. For this reason, the general direction of the wide area turned to the security guards to avoid the crowd and since yesterday, in anticipation of the worsening weather conditions, the Drive-in service came into force precisely to avoid crowds. To avoid queues and contamination in the perimeter of the Ascoli hospital, it will be possible to reserve and go to the exam at the time recommended by the offices of the wide area. meanwhile, the weekend is approaching and the focus is on the nightlife nights. During the public order and security committee that took place in Palazzo San Filiuppo, the prefect Rita Stentella gave precise instructions to the police to punish those who do not wear a mask. However, so far there have been no more than four fines.
It is the public demonstrations that are of greatest concern. The main autumn festivals have been canceled (starting with the traditional one in Acquasanta Terme, until the last one in San Serafino da Montegranaro). And on this aspect, the general director of the vast Area 5, Cesare Milani, frankly expressed his perplexities about the patronal feast of San Benedetto Martire: “We must avoid going to crowded places in this period,” he said. In essence, an invitation to leave the celebrations.
Finally, finally, the resolution for the hiring of nurses for one year was published through a ranking. They are: Di Marco Debora, Roberto Ferrarino, Montini Alessandra, Aureli Ilaria, Palmeri Alessandra, D’Alonzo Michela, Lanciotti Giorgia, Dumitru Nicoleta, Grilli Vanessa, Meghini Sara, Buccarello Stefano, Sassone Federica, Ciccanti Stefania, Averio Frances Erika Saver. , Pizzuti Francesca, Daziani Alessio, Alfano Giulia, Ferri Angela, Minichelli Noemi, Morganti Ester, Belfiore Ilaria, Di Luca Roberta, Sextiles Spurio Fabiola, Di Marzi Giovanni, Amasa Lorella, Liberati Giorgia, Devecchi Anthea, Sciarroni Samue Sara, Lauren, Saccore Arduino, Toracchio Erica, Capriotti Deborah, Stefanelli Riccardo, Sisti Fabrizia, Prenga Juli, Costantini Chiara, Tomei Daniele, Cannavicci Alessandra, Luzi Francesca, Canala Stefano, Lapolla Roberta, Leli Edoardo Primo, Calabreseis Donato, Panel De Islaidor Mariavskavskavs Kateryna, La Bella Fabrizio, Ambrosini Mary, Ippoliti Mariagiulia, Patalano Pierluigi, Candelori Marco, Cosanni Federico and Falco in Antonio. The spending commitment amounts to almost two million euros.