In the “red” regions, that is, those with the highest risk of contagion, a softer lock is expected than in March: travel ban from your home except for work or health reasons or situations of need, walk only allowed close to home, everything stores closed. But i’m still open Barber Shop, several points of sale in addition to supermarkets, and above all it will allow face-to-face teaching for kindergarten, elementary and middle school. the new dpcm approved overnight by the government and effective as of November 5. The main differences from last spring’s lockdown are contained in theannex 23 available, which contains the list of businesses that will still be allowed to sell: in addition to those that sell food products, pharmacies, drugstores, tobacconists and kiosks, not even the libraries, the Stationery ei tool.
The “retail trade of computer equipment“, Agricultural machinery, lighting articles, children’s footwear, sale of sporting goods and underwear, Games and toys. Open too dealerships of cars and motorcycles, which sells animal feed, flowers and household products. Green light also to the ambulance in markets (provided that only these product categories are sold) and in automatic machines.
As for hairdressers and barbers, in the draft of the provision that was leaked yesterday, initially a total lockout was foreseen. But in the final version of the text, sealed overnight, the executive decided to back down. In all the Regions to be classified in the third risk band (the highest) according to 21 epidemiological parameters established by the Higher Institute of Health, therefore a milder lockdown is looming than last year spring. In March, in fact, schools of all types and levels were closed indefinitely, as well as commercial establishments (including hairdressers). This time, however, citizens will be able to accompany their children to class (up to sixth grade).
Now it remains to be understood how the individual regions will be classified and how long the new restrictions will last. The task, according to the dpcm, corresponds to the Ministry of Health with an ad hoc ordinance, “after consulting the presidents of the regions concerned.” The hypothesis is that the decision may arrive the day after analyzing the Weekly tracking of the spread of the coronavirus in our country prepared by the Higher Institute of Health.