in the night fallen up to eight inches


As announced in recent days this morning Milan woke up under a blanket of snow that bleached the city. In fact, since yesterday afternoon the flakes began to fall and continued throughout the night: the fairly low minimum temperatures helped the snow settle almost everywhere and so this morning the Milanese were able to admire the spectacle of thethe whole town whitewashed.

Orange weather alert for snow in Lombardy

According to the weather expert forecast for today, Monday, December 28, there will be an intensification of snowfall throughout the morning and not only in Milan but also in other areas of Lombardy where aorange weather alert starting in the afternoon of Sunday, December 27. Particularly affected the sectors of the Apennines, the western and central plain and the pre-Alpine belt: “The precipitation will take on a snowy character at all altitudes throughout the region – reads the bulletin of the Lombardy Civil Protection – Monday, December 28, due a of the most intense snowfalls, the expected accumulations in the areas of the plain will be between 2-5 centimeters (in the areas of Baja Brescia, Mantua, East of Cremona and Lomellina) and even 10-20 centimeters in the rest of sectors of the plain, including the Milanese, the cumulus clouds will range on average between 8-10 centimeters (Varesine and Lario Pre-Alps) and 20-30 centimeters (in the remaining sectors and as the altitude increases) ”.

The invitation to go out only in case of need

At the moment, no problems have been registered in the city of Milan, which as of today and the rest of Lombardy is once again in the orange zone: therefore, commercial activities such as shops may be reopened to the public and this will probably lead to several people to move to the center. While schools and most offices are closed. The municipality of Milan has renewed the call to the condominium managers to spread the salt on the parts of the streets and sidewalks in front of the private buildings and to clear the snow in case of accumulation.
