In the majority agreement reached on migrants also for domestic workers and caregivers. CDM scheduled for today


After a long day of negotiations, the majority signs a new agreement on the regularization of migrants. The PD and the Movement confirmed this just before midnight yesterday. Merit of a long mediation, which lasted until night, between Minister Dem Peppe Provenzano and the regent of the Vito Crimi Movement. A pact that should already unlock the much broader “relaunch decree”, which contained the rule, long contested by the grillini.


In the majority agreement reached on migrants. Crimi (M5S): “Accept our requests.” CDM scheduled for today

“An agreement was reached on the regularization of the workers. Also for the domestic workers and the bandits. And also for the Italians. Not for the weapons, but for the people. It was not a question of flags, but of giving answers to those who had been waiting for a long time for legality and rights. ” Minister Pd Peppe Provenzano wrote on Twitter.

The new agreement is the result of a long comparison between Provenzano, also backed by Italia Viva and Leu, and the grillino. The solution is to clarify in the text that illegal recruitment and aid to illegal immigration are not subject to any form of amnesty. In fact, a political “escape route” offered the Movement to overcome its veto, since the prediction contained in the draft of the previous agreement was no longer to allow a sponge blow for those who had already suffered a sentence in the first degree. for this type of crime.

The agreement, however, satisfies the majority. And at night he also obtained the approval of the Ministry of the Interior, physically involved in the drafting of the law. “An agreement was reached on the regularization of workers. Provenzano rejoices. Even for housewives and bandits. And also for Italians. Not because of the weapons, but because of the people. It was not about flags, but about of giving answers to those who waited for legality and rights for a long time. “


Not regularizing migrants in the camps is a favor for the mafia.

And Crimi: “On the issue of seasonal workers, an agreement was reached that I consider satisfactory, the result of a text modified and improved compared to last Sunday, which welcomes our explicit requests and puts in regular work in the middle”.

The bottom

At first, a possible convocation of the Council of Ministers was considered last night, but during the day there had been resistance, particularly among the representatives of the 5-Star Movement, on the issue of the regularization of migrants and on the economic coverage of decree. Specifically, there was a lack of resources for the redundancy fund for the Cura Italia decree, and for incentives for health personnel.

The regularization of migrants.

It is the knot in which a duel between Italia Viva on the one hand (with the support of Pd and Leu) and the 5Stelle on the other has been fought for days. But there are divisions within the Movement itself, on the regularization of migrants, with the right on the barricades. So much so that the first agreement in the government, signed at night between Sunday and Monday, failed yesterday. Openly contested by Interior Secretary Carlo Sibilia, the most intransigent in veto. Under the banner of no to the criminal shield for employers. But with the suspicion of an address from Di Maio himself.

Yesterday morning, Conte intervened saying: “Regularizing migrants who are already working in our territory for a specific period means checking the weapons of the hired worker, opposing illegal work, carrying out health checks and protecting them and our health still more in this phase of health emergency. ” 5S intransigence was overcome at night. The political leader, Vito Crimi, had attacked: “The latest draft is still not well.” Secca had been the response of the undersecretary of the Democratic Party, Andrea Orlando: an agreement was reached on Sunday night, and then the grillini’s doubts were skipped, “who is keeping the decree firm?”

Already in the last hours the distances seemed to have been reduced, after some changes. The amnesty will be rejected if the employer has been convicted of crimes such as aiding immigration, illegal recruitment, and exploitation of prostitution.

Shock on tourism

The vacation voucher mainly divides Pd and Italia Viva. The idea is to give Italians a holiday voucher of up to € 50,000 in Isee income. But the Renzians are puzzled: They would like to directly allocate the 2 billion planned for the voucher to hotel companies and not to families. Some operators are also critical, because hoteliers must anticipate the discount by obtaining a tax credit at the end of the year. Meanwhile, the government canceled the June IMU facility for hotels, pensions, and bathing establishments.

Municipal and regional protests

Linked to the theme of tourism is the letter of protest sent by the mayors of seven cities strongly linked to the sector’s income. “Our cities will seriously risk non-compliance and the objective impossibility of pushing the country’s system towards economic and tourist recovery,” mayors Gnassi, Brugnaro, De Magistris, Nardella, Orlando, Raggi and Sala wrote to Prime Minister Conte. But the Regions are also protesting: they asked for 5.4 billion to cover the funds lost due to the coronavirus emergency, they obtained 1.5 billion.


The node for the cancellation of the Irap is also complicated, which is the payment of the balance deposit scheduled for June 16. Companies with a turnover of up to 250 million euros damaged by the health emergency may benefit. Initially it was intended only for those with losses of up to a third. Under pressure from the Renzians, the link seems to have been lost. There will be a discount, beyond the losses.

Decoction of banks

Tension in the 5Stelle also for a regulation to protect banks: that of state guarantees for the next six months up to a nominal value of 15 billion for new liabilities of credit institutions. The grillini, who made the Banca Etruria case their workhorse, remain on guard.
