“In the confinement I worked like crazy. Now I hope in the young people”


The historic Caruso jewelery, in Piazza Saffi 51, is closing its doors and not because of lack of work, but because its owners, after having reached a well-deserved retirement, want to enjoy a bit of tranquility and, sadly, after months of La search found no one who wants to take over the business. “My two sons are older and do something else – explains Mario Caruso for 30 years a jeweler and with 50 years of work behind him – one is a manager and the other an artist. I have no grandchildren and therefore I was expecting a young man who is willing to open a business and learn the trade. Or a jeweler, perhaps with a business in the suburbs, who would like to expand and take care of all our clients ”.

So isn’t work missing? “Absolutely not – Caruso specifies – Do you think that even during the Covid I worked like crazy. There was one day that I came to the store to send 152 packages. Obviously they were not gold objects, but items of 50, 60 euro each, but not only that, there were also important watches or necklaces. In short, at the end of the fair, given the turnover registered in those months of closure, he was not entitled to the Covid bonus at all ”.

So what is missing is the desire to open a business in this sector? Perhaps it is a difficult sector? “It is certainly not like opening a pizzeria or a fast food restaurant – Caruso continues – not so much because of the professionalism that is needed both here and there, but because to open a jewelry store you have to have more initial money to invest because you buy gold objects . it costs more than buying flour, tomatoes and mozzarella. The warehouse has to be built and it is expensive, but then, once started, the costs go down and the work is very nice ”.

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Would you mind closing? “Of course I’m also sorry because, I repeat, the business is good and I also have all the new furniture – Caruso concludes – but my wife and I are 70 years old and we also have the right to rest a little.” Later I would be willing not only to pass my business to him but also to work with him for a while, teaching him the trade. We hope that someone, in these months, wants to try it ”.
