LECCE – Dark clothing, hood on the head, backpack in a light color and reminiscent of the yellow reported by witnesses to the carabinieri. Could it be the silhouette of the mysterious murderer of Eleonora Manta, originally from Seclì, an employee of the INPS of Brindisi, and Daniele De Santis, from Lecce, known as a referee in Serie C? Nobody has absolute certainty, yes. Not even the detectives themselves. But the possibility is high. The framing, which dates back to the night of the double murder, was published exclusively in today’s edition of La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.
According to the newspaper, it was acquired by a public video camera placed on a pole in via Rudiae, just before the junction with via Diaz and the railway underpass. A more than plausible path, for those who know the map of Lecce mentally well, if it is inferred that the murderer also passed via Don Bosco, from where the place where the condo is located can be reached in a few moments via Montello. in which the horrible massacre took place. The frame is being scrutinized by researchers along with other films from around the train station area, and while it actually depicts the killer, it is certainly not of excellent quality.
But how much video material do researchers really have? There is more, no doubt, but perhaps not much. But above all, that there was a meticulous planning, perhaps days, with many inspections, it is verified with another detail, very disturbing. In a note found soaked in blood during inspection, and evidently lost during the hectic phases of the fierce crime, the killer had drawn a detailed map representing all the points to be crossed to divert the cameras. There are several around the station. They were installed in recent years as a deterrent to the well-known problem of prostitution, fights, and wandering.
This was reported today by the Mediaset newsletter, citing the Ris of the carabinieri. News of which we have had confirmation from our confidential sources, with one more detail: there would not only be a map, but also several annotations. For example, what type of gloves to use, that is, the leather ones you referred to in the first article. More more that still does not appear but that can be easily hypothesized, always linked to the actions carried out.
In short, the rich reminder of those who have studied the scene in every detail and have wanted to take their notes so as not to make blatant mistakes. Like an actor on stage who needs a prompter to not forget a line and ruin the performance. A precision that makes everything even more chilling, if it were not already that fury on the victims that exceeds all imagination.
But can the map and annotations also suggest that the killer came from out of town? Not necessarily. Even a Lecce who should know the area in question very well could have difficulty memorizing a route so far from electronic eyes, therefore formed by intersections in several streets. Especially having decided to commit such a crime and, therefore, being aware of possible emotional reactions that could cloud the mind.
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But no matter how thorough the mysterious killer’s action was, not everything went according to plan. Losing that ticket in the course of the fight was already a serious problem, an important trail left in the hands of investigators. And in any case, actually dodging all the cameras was impossible. That it is not the perfect crime is in things.