Editorial Board
December 20, 2020 6:37 AM
The president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, yesterday published the ordinance that brings his territory to the orange zone as of today, Sunday, December 20. And while the governor was there, he also added other rules to make the restrictions even tighter. Thus, the region first encountered the mockery of Decree No. 172 that certified the yellow zone for only four days (from 20 to 23) and then with the cancellation of those days with De Luca’s order.
Campania in the orange zone from today: water only in bars from 11am
Il Mattino reports today that the governor, among the first hypotheses, also contemplated the closure of fishmongers and provisions for the 24th. A way to stop the gatherings and crowds of people for Christmas ritual appetizers. But with the ordinance of yesterday afternoon there is no transition from the orange to the yellow zone, with much fewer restrictions and common to all regions of Italy, except Abruzzo. The ordinance provides the following measures to prevent and contain the Covid-19 infection. Effective from December 20, 2020 until December 23, 2020:
- 1. Confirmed all the measures in force today due to state provisions, including those mentioned in article 2 of the Decree of the Prime Minister of December 3, 2020 (the so-called “orange zone”), as well as regional (Ordinance No. 96 of December 10 2020 on arrival controls and mobility limitations in the regional territory).
- 2. Prohibition for bars and other catering establishments, starting at 11:00 am, of the sale of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages with take away food.
- 3. Throughout the day, prohibit the consumption of food and beverages, including non-alcoholic ones, in public areas open to the public, including villas and municipal parks;
- 4. For all commercial establishments, it is mandatory that customers measure body temperature at the entrance of their premises and inhibit the entrance where the temperature is above 37.5 ° C.
- 5. Recommendation to the Municipalities and other competent Authorities to intensify the supervision and controls on compliance with the provisions in force, particularly in the areas of the so-called “move”
- 6. Recommendation to the Municipalities for the adoption, where appropriate, of measures for the temporary closure of specific public areas or areas open to the public in which it is impossible to adequately ensure compliance with the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, in accordance with current provisions. , as well as the provisions mentioned in point 3 above.
Specifically, the ordinance is very clear about one of the rites of the holidays, both Christmas and New Year, the custom of tens of thousands of people of all ages to pour into the main streets of their municipality to have snacks with friends exchanging good wishes and small gifts. A tradition of recent years that usually begins in the morning with large and festive gatherings in all urban centers, from cities to small municipalities and against which the ordinance imposes an absolute halt by prohibiting the sale of any drink, even without alcohol, on the street from 11 in the morning.
The self-certified but no names Christmas lunch and the other strange rules of the 2020 Christmas Decree
But in Capri the yellow zone is valid (for now)
But there are those who react. The municipalities of Capri and Anacapri have, with two ordinances, that from tomorrow the rules of the yellow stripe and not those of the orange zone, established today for Campania by Governor Vincenzo De Luca, will be applied on the island. Therefore, restaurants will be able to open and perform table service until 6 pm: “The mayors believe that the particular state of the island and the shipping controls guarantee sufficient security without the need for major restrictions, and they intend to comply with provisions of the Ministry of Health (which provides for the yellow zone for Campania from tomorrow) instead of those of the Region. “At this point, De Luca will probably appeal and the Regional Administrative Court will agree with one or the other.
Meanwhile, the revocation of the ordinance against the assembly signed today by the mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, has reached Naples, which provided, in case of meetings in 49 places of the city at risk, the interdiction of areas during the time necessary to restore security conditions. The revocation law establishes that “this ordinance was justified by the fact that the Campania region, and therefore the city of Naples, from tomorrow until December 23, 2020 would have to apply the containment measures of the epidemiological emergency of Covid -19 provided for in article 1 of the Dpcm of December 3, 2020 and in force throughout the national territory (called the “yellow zone”), which do not provide for the closure of productive activities or the prohibition of circulation within the Municipality “.
Meanwhile, yesterday began the protest of the restorers of the boardwalk to which operators from other areas of the city also joined in the afternoon. On the ground, carabinieri and police. The sit-in should end in the next few hours, but new demonstrations are not excluded tomorrow as trade associations appeal to the prefect of Naples to revoke the regional ordinance.