One of the most shocking stories is that of Angela Cortese. The father, Francesco, positive for Covid, was admitted to the Moscati hospital in Taranto the night of November 1 to 2. Since his hospitalization the next day, the 78-year-old has kept in touch with his family via his mobile phone. But what he communicated in those hours alarmed everyone: “Come find me, I’m dying here.” The third morning, the woman, a lawyer, speaks with a doctor who is in the Auditorium where her father had been placed. “His father is not cooperating, he does not want to put on the CPAP mask, he will die in ten minutes, get ready!” The woman speaks of screaming, of a kind of attack on the telephone.
Coronavirus, the second wave and the Apulian disaster: all the mistakes of the Region
by Antonello Cassano, Cenzio Di Zanni
“Suddenly we felt these terrible words fall on us,” he explains, “that doctor seemed like an angry beast, against us and my father. I only had the strength to ask for saturation and in response I received other cries: it is not saturation, you will see that it soon dies! “. Cortes asks if her father was lucid, if he was close.” Yes, he is here, he is here, he is listening to me, he will soon die! “. The woman thus witnesses his end.” Even veterinarians with dogs do not behave in this way, ”he adds, underlining that“ no therapy was given, only oxygen, only CPAP. ”Affirmations, those of Cortese, which must be reflected in the medical records requested from the hospital and in the investigations initiated by the Prosecutor’s Office for several other cases of deaths in the north health center of Paolo VI ward.
“While my father died of Covid in the hospital, his phone and memories were stolen”
by Gino Martina
The inquiries
The procedures are more than one, they follow the complaints of the relatives, but they also have the objective of verifying the correct fulfillment of the health precautionary measures by the hospital management. The suspicion is that the organization, equipment and staffing between October and November were not adequate to face the second wave of the pandemic, leaving room for improvisation, for social health workers used as nurses and staff. under stress, which led to serious shortcomings. Beyond the work of the Judiciary, there are at least seven episodes involving Moscati patients who died after days in which care and adequate hospitalization conditions were lacking, as well as telephones and valuables, such as rings. wedding and necklaces, not returned to the hospital. family members. Regarding these last episodes, the ASL has published a note in which it denies that there have been robberies, but also reveals a bad communication between the organization of the garrison and the operators themselves. “Numerous small valuables and other personal effects are stored and cataloged in the individual operational units involved in the assistance pathways to take charge,” writes the ASL.
Lost items
It should be noted, for example, that precious objects are kept in the safe located at First Intervention point 118 of the San Giuseppe Moscati hospital, while other personal effects such as suitcases, telephones and relative battery chargers are stored in dedicated areas of the department. “In the same note the contacts and the link of the legal medicine office of the health company were published through which they can search for things belonging to their loved ones. But some relatives continue with the complaint to the carabinieri, as in the case of the Rotelli family, sure that their father’s phone has been stolen and tampered with, as other relatives of other patients say, who speak of videos filmed inside them erased from the phones of their loved ones.
“My mother -explains Tina Abanese, from Massafra- was admitted in those days for a respiratory crisis. She was mistreated by some employees who responded badly. They did not change her for hours. She also ran out of food and after two days after her death we realized that the bag was missing the wedding ring and another ring, which she was wearing when she was admitted to the hospital ”.
Shelter in the container
Donato Ricci, Martina Franca’s businessman, has lost his father, a former police inspector. He picked up his cry for help in early November. “Call the police, get me out of here,” he said. The man, healthy before contracting Covid, also recorded videos in the container where he was hospitalized with dirty clothes left on the floor in a corner. Ricci has collected in a Whats’app group the contacts of other relatives of those who are no longer after spending those days in the hospital, during which it was also difficult to contact loved ones or receive news from the staff, for lack of a special phone number (has been activated in the last few weeks). There are those who speak of dirty and inaccessible bathrooms, funeral homes with corpses arranged in the worst possible way, funeral directors who take them away without any protection.
“We denounced the disappearance of my father’s rings, wedding band and some necklaces – say Mariangela and Pierangela Giaquinto, daughters of Leonardo, a Covid patient hospitalized on October 30 and disappeared on November 21 – they told us they would call again if and just in case he had found something but we had no report. My father was intubated and induced into a drug coma twice. The second, however, did not succeed. “The patient court is also moving now, formally calling for an intervention from the Region: from the health councilor Pierluigi Lopalco to the governor Michele Emiliano.
“The situation is alarming – explains coordinator Adalgisa Stanzione – not only because there are cases of deaths, but because there has been an underestimation of the competent authorities. If there were not enough staff to attend to patients, you had to act first, not to arrive at the beginning of November, when there were 95 people hospitalized for Covid in Moscati. The Oss had to make up for the work of the nurses. We are moving with our legal structures to clarify. The situation has improved with the activation of places in the Santa Rita Clinic and Military Hospital, but without staff the beds are of little use. The right to health – Stanzione continues – must be respected based on the quality of service that cannot be stifled by the pseudo shortage of nurses and doctors. people must be treated humanely, they must be listened to and not attacked as incompetent and inexperienced by personnel under stress. The pandemic – he concludes – cannot be faced. Without means, it is like waging a war without weapons ”.