In stage 4 it will collapse!


We are in phase 3, says Conte. According to the document, at this time there is a need to “prioritize the actions associated with Covid over the rest of the Prevention Department activities, activation of additional external personnel to support the Prevention Department and activities, plugs offered to respected cases and close contacts and contacts at risk with priority to symptomatic subjects, remodeling of the Sars-CoV-2 screening with priority in the target categories (for example, health workers), improvement of hotels for the isolation of cases “.

So far the medical scenario, but what action to take? “Actions (local / provincial / regional) to increase social distances, possible obligations also at the local level on the use of masks even outdoors, red areas with temporal restrictions with possible distribution through incidence and Rt evaluation, interruption of social activities / events cultural / sports activities with a higher risk of reunion, assessment of the interruption of some productive activities with particular risk situations, possible restrictions on interregional and intraregional mobility ”.

What about phase 4? One word to sum it all up, because the scenarios are so dramatic that they don’t even list them: blocking, total blocking!

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