
«The situation of COVID-19 in some states ofEU it is even worse than the March peak, which is very concerning. And it means that the control measures adopted have not been effective enough or have not been applied, or have not been complied with as they should have been. This is clearly underlined in the risk assessment presented today by the ECDC. ‘ Thus the European Commissioner for Health, Stella Kyriakides, at a press conference on risk assessment.
Covid, fear in France: bars closed at 10 pm in Paris, critical situation in Marseille. More than 13,000 cases in 24 hours
Covid, in Spain 241 deaths in one day. France once again exceeds 10,000 infections in 24 hours
Covid destroyed “by ultraviolet light rays”. Hiroshima researchers announcement
Meanwhile, “the 14-day quarantine is recommended for people who have had contact with confirmed cases of Sars-CoV-2. This period can be reduced to 10 days after exposure “to the virus”, if a PCR test is performed on the 10th day and it is negative, “reads the update on the level of risk of Covid in Europe published today by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. However, Italy is in the group of countries that the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Ecdc) identifies as having “an overall low risk of Covid-19 for the general population and the health system.” As for vulnerable people (people with risk factors for severe Covid-19 disease, such as the elderly), “since the impact of the disease in these groups is very high, the overall risk is moderate.”
Last update: 12:37