«In small centers for the elderly alone. It is a pre-packaged text, they did not listen to us »- Corriere.it


I regret to note that once again we have failed to build a measure with the government. Luca Zaia, the president of Veneto, is still waiting for a rethinking in the Cesarini area but does not hide a certain disappointment: I thought we could have worked together.

And instead?
But the music was the same as always: the government summons us, a prepackaged text arrives, they approve it. Our voice is not there.

Minister Boccia said he was surprised by the astonishment of the Regions, who knew what was in the decree …
It is not true that they knew how the municipalities would be closed. If all the presidents of the Region, signed by Bonaccini, have had to say, there will be a reason. For me, the best system is working with drafts. I received the draft yesterday at 2.30am with the request for an opinion by noon yesterday.

Isn’t there a risk of a multitude of different rules confusing citizens?
Dogmatic premise: health comes first, Covid is not a joke, contagion control passes through compliance with the rules we know: mask, no meetings, hygiene. And of course, when these rules are not respected, it is necessary to intervene with restrictive measures.

But didn’t you want them to be less restrictive?
To avoid doubts, I remember that despite being in the yellow zone, I autonomously adopted restrictive measures that are unique at the national level: closing of all stores on Sundays, on other days only one customer per 20 square meters, closing of medium stores and large sales structures. . Do I give you the idea?

Why does it remind us?
I hear all these rumors about the irresponsibility of the regions and it surprises me a bit.

Are you referring to the statements of Minister Azzolina on the regionalism of inequalities?
But yes, Azzolina Siciliana and it seems strange to me to hear a Sicilian speak against autonomy. A great compatriot like Don Sturzo used to say “I am a Unitarian, but an unrepentant Federalist.” Maybe Azzolina should reread it.

Minister Boccia’s chief of staff says that the northern regions ask for autonomy but when problems arise they prefer centralism.
But do you believe that? For me, something like that from the chief of staff of the ministry of regional affairs cries out for revenge.

In short, is the Dpcm really bad?
This is a current decree, it enters the holiday period, the flu peak that arrives in January, the largest vaccination campaign in history. For no government it would be easy to write. Without the Regions, it is even more difficult. But if the Covid issue lasts until April and we plan to deal with it with the Dpcm and the ordinances, I am afraid that the intolerance of the citizens will be great.

What do you mean?
In March we went out to the balconies to sing “everything will be fine”, we were afraid of dying. Now, now it seems that Covid is a whose problem in the hospital. A great social pact must be rewritten. And a major information campaign is needed.

But what about the Dpcm for governors?
The prohibition to leave the municipalities on January 25, 26 and 1 without exceptions. I think of the elderly: they must be protected as much as possible, but in small towns they will be home alone to watch town meetings on television. If the assumption is public health, the comparison between a town of a few hundred inhabitants and one of three million like Rome does not hold: it closes everything, but there are fences for three million people.

What is missing in the decree?
A declaration of war to gatherings of all kinds and species. In a systematic way, which we certainly don’t do by closing the municipal boundaries for three days.

December 3, 2020 (change December 3, 2020 | 22:20)

