Savona. They began to beat him savagely, accusing him of stealing a purse. But it was not true. They got it dragged by hair by hundreds of meters, they have it beaten and threatened with a knife. He kicks in the head, to the ground, until he passes out and breaks a cheekbone. A nightmare that lasted almost an hour to what a 22 years of Savona last June 1, for which the Savona carabinieri have this morning They arrested 5 Italians between 22 and 33 years old.

Five figures that the military define as “known and problematic.” Not boys “from good families”, therefore, on the contrary: in their houses (three are in Savona, one in Finale Ligure and one in Loano) they also met brass knuckles, pocket knives and a blackjack. The arrest occurred at the end of a complex investigation, coordinated by Dr. Martini and physically carried out by the soldiers of the Savona company, commanded until a few days ago by Dario Ragusa and now by Major Fabio Truddaiu. Gip Ceccardi issued the precautionary measures.
Photo galleryOperation Carabinieri
A complicated investigation also by understandable fear of the victim to tell what happened. An exciting story, reminiscent of the dramatic case of Willy Monteiro ended up in the national news spotlight. Fortunately in this case the outcome was not fatal, the young man being discharged from the hospital a few days after the assault with a prognosis of one month.
The boy, according to the army, was intercepted on June 1 near the Savona train station by a member of the group, who accused him of being the author of a robbery of an old woman’s purse. completely invented), initially dragged him by the hair a few hundred meters to the nearby Via Frugoni, where he held him against his will, beat him and threatened with a knife. Later, the victim was taken to the park on Via Pirandello, where the other four attackers were waiting for him, warned in the meantime: the boys in rapid sequence have repeatedly struck with kicks to the head, even when he was already on the ground completely defenseless, resulting in injuries and cheekbone fracture.
The soldiers from the Savona station, who arrived at the scene after a report to 112, provided first aid to the victim and immediately investigated and reconstructed the dynamics of the events, in particular thanks to thevideo camera analysis surveillance of the city, which have immortalized the most prominent phases of the attack (total duration almost one hour), thus allowing the identification of some witnesses.
The investigations also made it possible to establish that the hypothetical theft of the purse (a circumstance excluded with certainty) was only a pretext to attack a victim unable to defend herself: between the herd and the victim, in fact, according to the carabinieri, there were previous rusts that they would result in brutal assault. During today’s operation, a bronze fist, two automatic knives and a baton stick were also seized.

“A case that brings to mind the case of Willy, fortunately this time with a better epilogue – commented the commander of the company Savona, Major Fabio Truddaiu – Thanks to the long activity at the Savona station, we were able to bring justice to 5 people who had brutally attacked a young man. We were able to identify them thanks to the action of the carabinieri from the Savona station who intervened immediately after a call to 112, the video surveillance system and also some witnesses. The detained boys did not provide any particular justification for their behavior.