in Rome, 3.8% chance of meeting an infected person out of 10 people


Covid, risk map: in Rome, 3.8% probability of finding an infected person among 10 people

Putting aside for a moment (but never forgetting) the reckless and irresponsible, the question that sensible and sensible people now ask themselves is: how risky is it to leave home now that COVID-19More than a second wave, does it scare us with a tsunami wall? That is dangerous short it would be surprising even to a Martian. That the virus exerts uneven pressure across Italy may be less obvious. And instead.

However, we must remember and start from the premise, at this point, that the government strongly discourages not going around the cities for no reason. We read, among other things, in Dpcm of 24 October, paragraph 4 of article 1: “It is strongly recommended to all natural persons not to travel in public or private means of transport, except for reasons of work, study, health, necessity or to carry out activities or use non-public services. suspended “. In short, if you can, it is better to stay indoors. Clear enough for everyone, right?

However understand How much is dangerous to move is different from wondering I know it is dangerous. So a nice website ( took over, a few days ago, to inform us about the degree of risk of meeting a person affected by COVID-19 in the 107 Italian provinces. With some authority, the ISI Foundation for Innovation and Business Development, the Georgia Institute of Technology and Northeastern University have developed the portal, using in part funding from the European Epipose project.

Thus. The “Events and Covid 19” site is essentially encased in a map. In fact, an interactive map. Modifying and adjusting three parameters to (our) taste (including the size of the event), the map of theItaly it changes color and ranges from dark brown to lemon yellow, indicating the level of safety of the provinces against the virus. Just to be understood, the virtual card measures the probability that at least one positive Covid is present during the event. And, by extension, the word event It can also be included in the meaning of overcrowding in public transport or in a shopping center.

Example? Let’s take some examples, let’s go. Assuming that the infections detected at all are one in two, in the province of Rome the probability that there is at least one infected in a group of 10 people is 3.8%. In an event involving 25 people, however, the chance of meeting an infected person takes off by 9.1%.

Returning to the cases related to the events of 10 people, the most dangerous areas are the province of Milan (10%) and Val d’Aosta (13%). Regarding the lower risk areas, the provinces of Lecce (0.43%) and Vibo Valentia stand out, even with 0.3%; or 3.5 points less than in Rome and 9.7 less than Milan.

The site administrators explain: “The map shows an estimate of the risk of potentially being exposed to Covid given the number of people attending an event. Risk is expressed as the probability that at least one Sars-Cov-2 positive individual is present during the event. ‘ Still. “The probability that we report does not express the risk of contracting the disease, which then depends on factors that consider the duration of the event, the space in which it takes place and precautionary measures such as masks and spacing.

Thus, wisely mixing and analyzing data, numbers and figures, “Events and Covid-19” issues its prediction every day: and colors Italy, reflectively creating the shadow of a concern or giving sighs of relief.

Last updated: 17:13

